Recipe - Jackfruit Shake

The summer season in India brings a bounty of seasonal fruits like mangoes, melons, litchi, and jackfruit. While enjoying these fruits in their natural form is delightful, they also lend themselves to a variety of delicious recipes. One such favorite is the Jackfruit Milkshake—a perfect summer drink that combines the exotic flavor of ripe jackfruit with creamy milk and the natural sweetness of jaggery.


1 cup ripe jackfruit pods (deseeded and roughly chopped)
1 cup milk (chilled)
1/2 cup ice cubes
2-3 tablespoons sugar (adjust to taste)
1/4 cup water (optional, for blending)
1-2 tablespoons vanilla ice cream or condensed milk (optional, for added creaminess)

Optional Ingredients

1-2 cardamom pods (for a hint of spice)
1 tablespoon honey (for natural sweetness)
1 banana (for extra thickness and flavor)


Jackfruit pieces (small chunks)
Chopped nuts (e.g., almonds, pistachios)
Whipped cream (optional)


- Remove the seeds from the jackfruit pods and roughly chop them into pieces. You should have about 1 cup of jackfruit flesh.

- Place the chopped jackfruit, milk, ice cubes, and sugar in a blender.

- If using vanilla ice cream or condensed milk, add them to the blender.

- For additional flavors, you can add cardamom pods (crushed) or a banana.

- Blend the mixture on high speed until smooth and creamy. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water or more milk to reach your desired consistency.

- Taste and adjust the sweetness by adding more sugar or honey if needed.

- Pour the jackfruit shake into serving glasses.

- Garnish with small pieces of jackfruit, chopped nuts, or a dollop of whipped cream if desired.

- Serve immediately while cold and refreshing.
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