Janmashtami 2018- Recipe for Panchamrit While Breaking Fast

Janmashtami or Gokulashtami celebrates the birth of Krishna who was known for his love for butter and dairy. The festival involves fasting the entire day and decorating the house for Krishna’s welcome at midnight. It is also about making his favorite treats that can be consumed during the fast and offering it to him on his birthday.


Curd – 1 cup
Milk – ½ cup
Ghee – 1 tsp
Gangajal – ½ cup
Sugar – 2 tbsp
Honey – 1 tsp
Basil leaves
Dry fruits and nuts


* Take a pot and add curd in it. Then add milk and sugar and mix all three well till the sugar dissolves.

* Then add Gangajal, honey and ghee to the same vessel and mix again.

* After, add the rest of the ingredients except for basil leaves. Mix all well so that they combine with all the liquids.

* Then add the basil leaves in the end and mix once again.

* Take smaller paper cups to serve the panchamrit to everyone.
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