Searching the web for relationship advice for women isn’t always easy. But, here, you will find relationship tips that will take your love life from drab to fab.Are you having a hard time in love? Do you find yourself getting frustrated by your man to no end? Or do you worry your man isn’t into you the way he once was? It’s funny, isn’t it?
Women want perfect romance. Men want perfect romance. And yet, somehow, things don’t always work out that way. They can start perfectly, just like in fairytales, but eventually, things just start to change.And that perfect romance you once found just vanishes into thin air, right before your eyes. The good news is, in most cases, it isn’t too late to fix things.
# Keep it lightPlayfulness is the one thing that holds a happy relationship together more than anything else. Just because you’re past your childhood doesn’t mean you should act all grown up all the time! Tickle, joke, and tease. These things are small but make a big difference.
# Get along with his friends
Men easily influence each other. If his friends like you and think he’s a good match, he’ll be even more into you. Getting along with the important people in his life relaxes him and gives him even more reason to be happy with you.
# Be romantic
Not all men understand the art of chivalry, romantic gestures, and romance. Instead of giving up on him, show him the way by example.
He may not want flowers, but lighting candles for an at-home date night will clue him in. When you treat him how you want to be treated, he’ll return the favor.
# Accept himYour boyfriend may be amazing, but you just wish he would dress better or be a little more of an adult when you’re with friends. But you can’t change someone who doesn’t want to be changed. Plus, if the way he dresses or his child-like humor are the biggest issues, maybe let them go.
You can help your man understand where you’re coming from. But if he is happy how he is and it isn’t really impacting you and your happiness, accept him for who he is, New Balance sneakers and all.
# Be sensitiveDon’t constantly remind him of his past failures. Sure, you may want to urge him to try harder at work or work on himself, but using negativity to do that is not the right way. Men are very sensitive when it comes to their past mistakes.
Instead of playing on his failures, encourage him by ensuring he knows you believe in him.
# Men can’t read minds
Speak your mind. Even if you told your guy something 100 times, he isn’t thinking what you’re thinking. It can be annoying, but you have to speak up when you’re upset or need something. You can’t expect him to know what you want without telling him.
# Never use the silent treatmentThis piece of dating advice for women goes along with #7. Ignoring your boyfriend when he hurts you may seem like the best way to teach him a lesson.
But truth be told, the silent treatment won’t make anything better. It will leave you upset and leave him confused.
# Listen
There is this well-known myth that men are bad
listeners, but men aren’t the only ones. Women love to talk, so
listening can often take a back seat.
Listening to what he has to
say, whether it is in the middle of an argument or not, will calm him
down and let you really understand his side.
# You are a teamArguing with your partner does not mean you’re against each other. In fact, you are both working towards the same goal. You both want to be happy together. You’re a team. So, during every disagreement, you both have the same end goal.
# Take your time
You may find yourself falling quickly into something new, but take your time. Enjoy yourself. Rushing into things when all the feelings are great may seem like the right path, but things can go south quickly.
Committing or moving in together too fast can cause a lot of stress on something so new. Even if you’re in a relationship, take your time continuing to get to know each other.