Whether receiving unwanted attention or that annoying coworker or acquaintance keeps getting under your skin, learning how to ignore someone is the key.
The secret to understanding how to ignore someone you don’t like isn’t like ignoring an actor you don’t like. You can’t just change the channel and avoid them.
Learning how to ignore someone you don’t like is harder than it sounds. You think you don’t like someone so ignoring them should be easy as pie, but it is human nature not to do that.
Strangely when we don’t like something we get sucked into that dislike, annoyance, or even hate. Instead of ignoring someone you don’t like, you fester in that feeling. You get mad, you fight with them, or you just let those feelings put you in a bad mood.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn how to ignore someone you don’t like.
Other than virtually and nicely, there are more methods you can take when learning how to ignore someone you don’t like.
# Stop thinking about themI know this is going to sound more literary than literal, but the only reason you want to ignore this person is because you are letting their existence have power over you.
Stop thinking about how they annoy you or what you don’t like about them. If you can do that everything else will fall into place.
# Be positiveNot liking someone and cutting them out is the next best thing to not caring. When you have negative feelings toward someone, cutting them out is one way to ignore their presence, but if you focus on the positive instead of the negative you won’t have to put so much effort in.
Instead of reminding yourself of the rude things they say, the inappropriate things they do, or anything else, remind yourself that you are surrounded by plenty of people you do like.
# Keep everything briefSometimes we have to interact with people we don’t like. Whether you work with them, they’re a member of your family, or anything else, you may have to interact at some point.
When you do, do not give in to what you don’t like about them. Keep the conversation or interaction as short as possible and move on. Don’t make a big deal out of it.
# Be cordialI am not telling you to compliment their hair or flash them a nice big smile. What I am telling you is to be mature. Handle yourself around this person like a polite adult. You don’t want to make things worse.
Indulge in the necessary small talk and move on.
# Stick with a friendIf you are running into the person you want to ignore regularly hook up with a buddy when you know they’re around. Not only with this take your mind off of the person you’re ignoring but it will prevent them from approaching you as well.
# Let go of the urge to push backPeople we try to ignore tend to push our buttons. It is easy to push back and then blame them for our bad mood. Instead, let whatever they say or do wash over you as if you’re wearing a poncho. You are aware they are there and annoying but it doesn’t affect you.
# Don’t be fake
Remember when I said to be cordial just a few seconds ago? Well, do that but keep it neutral. You don’t have to fake-like them or go out of your way. You also don’t have to show distaste for them. Just be neutral and polite.
This will end the interaction as quickly as possible so you can go back to fully ignoring them.
# Distract yourselfDon’t like someone? Having trouble ignoring them? Easy, just do something else. If you are letting them get to you and can’t seem to shake them, stay busy. Take up a new hobby, get a side job, or make plans with the people in your life that bring you happiness.
# Focus on those you do likeIt sucks how the smallest bit of negativity in our lives can outweigh all the happiness. But in this case, it doesn’t have to. Instead of focusing on ignoring this person, enjoy the people you do like.
Not only will this help you ignore someone but help you be happier overall.
# Focus on yourselfIf you have focused on others that bring you joy, take the rest of your time to focus on yourself. Practice self-care. Clean your place, purge any stuff that doesn’t make you happy. You can do to your home the same that you are doing to your friendships. Ignore what you don’t like.