5 Ways To Improve Communication in Family

The best families are often ones that have good communication. If you envy how your friends’ families get along so well and you have issues with your own, here’s the secret – it’s communication.

It’s a simple concept that’s often overlooked. But don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to work on it and make sure you craft good memories. More on that below.

# Dine Together

Don’t let your kids and wife have meals while being cooped up in their own rooms. Make your family sit at the table and make that a routine. Enjoying meals together is a good way to open up the lines of communications and get your group talking. Plus, it makes meal times a lot more fun too.

# Schedule Family Time

You can’t get family time if you don’t make time for it. Schedule an hour a day for a sit together at the table or just idle talk. It doesn’t have to be an hour; just 20 minutes will work as well. Either way, plan out some activities during this time or get ideas for conversations ready such as what’s going on, what’s trending, or anything your kids or family members feel like sharing.

# Do Activities Together

Doing activities together is a proven way to bond and interact with your family members. Activities could include playing video games, golf, or anything that can be enjoyed as a group. Don’t make this optional but a ritual instead. Plan out movie nights on the weekends and go out together. Other simple activities could include reading to your kids before bedtime or just tucking them in and spending a few minutes with them.

# Go for the Problem, Not The Person

It’s natural for us to explode when weird things go around in the house. Sometimes your child may break stuff, or your wife may mess up a few chores. It happens, we’re human. Maybe even you got something wrong and got blamed for it. It’s important to shift the attention from the person to the problem. Make it a point not to accuse or complaint about anyone but focus on how to fix the problem. IF there are leaks in the house, don’t blame your family members for it. Focus on what can be done to fix it. It’s a lot more positive that way.

# Appreciate Your Family and Be Kind

It really helps to show some appreciation and kindness to your family members. This could be something as simple as attending your son’s high school football game or making time for your daughter’s concert. When your kids are struggling, show some positivity by appreciating their talents and never discourage them. If you want to critique them, go ahead but make sure it’s positive and constructive, not the type that makes a person feels bad about themselves.
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