6 Sure Signs He is Pretending Not To Like You When He Really Does

You have instinct. Everyone has instinct. It’s the inner voice inside of us, telling us the truth. Maybe you and this guy have been hanging out, and though you like him, he’s not giving back what you want. But, it’s not that he doesn’t like you. You feel there’s some attraction between you. And those feelings aren’t just made up. If you see the signs he’s pretending not to like you, then he probably is falling for you and doesn’t want to come clean.

If you want to know for sure before you show your own interest (assuming you are interested), it’s a good idea to see if he’s really not into you or he’s pretending not to like you. If it’s the latter, what’s holding him back?

# He spends a lot of time with you

Listen, no one will waste their time with someone they don’t like. You have friends, right? They spend time with you because they like you for who you are. So, at least, on the most basic level, this guy likes who you are.

But let’s be honest, if you have this feeling he’s into you, and he’s spending a lot of time with you – he likes you.

# It feels like you’re a couple

Most people confuse your friendship for a relationship. When you’re around each other, there’s a level of comfort you share that doesn’t exist with your other male friends.

This relationship feels different. Maybe you are more touchy and affectionate, and if that’s the case, well, there has to be feelings involved.

# He makes the odd mistake to show you how he really feels

Though he’s pretending not to like you, he’s going to slip up. It’s impossible to hide emotions like that. So, he’ll like your social media posts, text you frequently. And the messages don’t need to be flirtatious in nature, but it shows that you’re on his mind a lot. Focus on what he does because his actions can tell you everything you need to know. This is one of the major signs he’s pretending not to like you, so pay attention!

# He blows hot and cold

Ah, yes. The mixed signals. This is why you’re reading this. You have the feeling he likes you, but his actions are all over the place. If he’s acting too nice or showing too much of himself, he’ll suddenly switch and become very cold and withdrawn. This hot and cold behavior may show that he’s into you, but it also shows he’s not sure what he wants.

# He tries to get to know you

If a guy doesn’t like you, he’s not going to waste his time asking personal questions. Why would he? It doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t want to get to know you; he wants to either get into your pants and bail or end the conversation entirely. He’s not going to invest his time in getting to know you on a deeper level.

# He’s all about eye contact

We’re always focusing on someone’s words when really, we should pay attention to their actions. When you’re together with other friends or at a party, you always seem to catch him staring at you. And it’s not just a glance, he’s really looking at you. You know we only look at things we like, right? Well… unless it’s a train wreck, but that’s not you. If you’re looking for signs he’s pretending not to like you and he’s making regular eye contact, consider that a sign!
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