6 Tips To Be Funny Around Guys and Make Them Want To Keep You Around

Most girls want to be liked by guys. We want them to think we’re funny because there’s not much more alluring than a girl who can make a guy and his friends laugh. But knowing how to be funny around guys isn’t quite common sense.

You can’t just start cracking jokes you think are funny in the hopes the guys around you will also think it’s funny. That’s just now how it really works. This is where many girls misunderstand and end up embarrassing themselves. They start making jokes that guys don’t think are funny at all.

# Don’t compromise yourself in any way

This is first for a reason. You should never do something you’re uncomfortable with just for the sake of making guys laugh. If you’d be really embarrassed and ashamed for it, then don’t do it.

Making a couple jerks laugh isn’t worth making yourself feel awful. So before you even try making them laugh, think about if you’re really okay with doing it. If you’re not, then find another way to make guys laugh.

# Learn about their sense of humor

You can’t really make someone laugh unless you know what kind of sense of humor they have. Yes, you can get lucky by just making a joke you’d think is funny but not everyone shares your sense of humor.

So if you really want to know how to be funny around guys, learn what they think is funny! This allows you to use that information to formulate your own jokes that cater to what they find funny.

# Observe how they interact with each other

If you can, watch the guys you want to be funny around. They’ll show you all you need to know about what it takes to make them laugh. Listen to what they end up laughing at with each other and then do some of the same sort of things.

# Throw in some sarcasm

Pretty much everyone thinks sarcasm is funny. However, you have to be careful because people who aren’t intelligent can have a difficult time figuring out that’s you’re actually being sarcastic and not serious. Use it sparingly.

# Reference things they’d be familiar with

You can’t really make a joke about something guys would have no clue about. For example, joking about how awful periods are will make other girls laugh, but guys would more than likely be weirded out by it.

You have to reference stuff they know well. Figure out what they’re familiar with so you can use that stuff to make jokes and make them laugh. Plus, they’ll like the fact that you know of the stuff they do.

# Find out what they like

Just observe them and even get to know them a little bit. If you can find out what they like, you’ll know what they don’t like. Making jokes about stuff guys don’t like is a surefire way to make them like you. They’ll want you around more when you can relate to the stuff they hate.
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