Not all of us look like Angelina Jolie, and honestly, it’s a good thing we don’t or else everything would be too easy. Where’s the chase? Where’s the strategic planning? Yeah, don’t deny it, I know you know his every move. If you’ve been eyeing a guy and you want him, well, there are a couple of things you can do to help avert his attention in the right direction… you know… in YOUR direction. This is huge and probably the most important factor in learning how to make a guy want you. You need to be confident, and you need to show that you love yourself.
There’s a reason why men drop their jaws when they see a woman walking confidently down the street – she is spewing sex appeal and confidence. She doesn’t need them, and that’s what makes her sexy as hell. If you want the guy, you need to think that you don’t need the guy.
# Build up the excitementYou want to make him excited and get his adrenaline pumping. The best way to get him aroused is to do a fun activity that forces the adrenaline to rush through his body.
This could be riding a roller coaster or going bungee-jumping. Believe it or not, excitement stimulates attractiveness and arousal, so get that parachute on.
# Copy himThis might sounds like a weird strategy when learning how to make a guy want you. But basically, what you want to do is mimic and mirror them. You won’t have to try too hard with this one.
When you hang out with someone more and more, you end up developing similar mannerisms like listening to the same music, etc. You may not even realize it, but you’ll eventually start even copying their gestures.
# Open up to himYou can only talk about the rain for so many minutes until it’s time to get into a deeper conversation. If you can’t open up to him, well, he won’t open up to you, and then you won’t be able to develop a connection.
But, that means one of you will have to make the first move in opening up. It can be scary, but if you feel that you can trust him as a person, then you should be able to share something personal about yourself.
# Be around himNow, don’t be stalking him, that’s not what I’m trying to get at with this one. You want to be around him and spend time with him. The more time you spend with someone, the more attracted you become.
Why do celebrities always end up dating people they’ve done movies with? Because they just spent all day, every day, for the past six months with that one person. So, it only makes sense. Try to hang out with him in a group or if you can, solo. I guess this is one of the more obvious strategies for how to make a guy want you.
# Relate to him
People like being around those who understand them. So this case isn’t any different. Now, don’t go crazy with this, but find out some things that he’s interested in and get a conversation going about one of these topics.
But, the trick is, you should actually be interested in the topic or else it’ll show that you’re bored talking about vintage cars or hockey. However, once you found a topic, you’ll have something to discuss and he’ll see that you have a common interest. ways to learn how to make a guy want you.
# Body language is key
Have you ever seen a couple sitting at the bar? They’re facing each other, leaning forward with feet pointing in the other’s direction.
Before you even have to open your mouth, you can signal your feelings to him through body language and wait to see if he responds by copying your body language. I know it sounds a little off, but you’d be amazed by how it works.