6 Unhealthy Signs of Jealousy in a Man

When Twilight came out, I was obsessed with wanting a boyfriend like Edward. And while watching that movie, I completely ignored the fact that Edward was showing extreme signs of jealousy in a man. Not to mention obsessiveness. At the age of sixteen, I thought it was super cute.

Flash forward to my first relationship, I realized that’s not what anyone needs in a partner. Now, this doesn’t mean I’ve never felt jealousy or seen it from my partner; I have.At the end of the day, we’re only human. There are times when the feelings of jealousy are going to arise, but what’s important is how you and your partner handle those feelings.

# He’s always around

Since you’ve started to see him, you’ve noticed that you don’t really have any alone time. Everything you do is with him. And there are some times that you just want to be alone, but he’s always around. This is a huge warning sign. Of course, it shows jealousy, but also obsessiveness. You both should have your own alone time with friends and family.

# He tries to control you

There’s being jealous, and then there’s control. And often, these two can mesh together, creating an unhealthy relationship. Unhealthy jealousy is when they try to control you and not let you live your life. If he’s controlling, it won’t get better.

# He wants you all to himself… all the time

I know the experience of feeling wanted is intense and comforting, but there’s a limit. Yes, your partner should want to spend time with you, but he should also want you to spend time with other people as well.

During the honeymoon phase, the hormones are wild, and all you want is each other. But that shouldn’t have a long-term effect.

# You feel stressed and don’t know why

Since you started seeing him, you can’t explain why you’re feeling stressed. You enjoy spending time with him, and nothing dramatic is happening in your life, but you feel anxiety within you. If you’re feeling stressed, this is something you should pay attention to and find the connection.

# He’s emotionally dependent on you

Most people don’t realize how damaging emotional dependency is for a person. If he’s insecure or lacks self-confidence, he’ll try to keep you for himself, regardless if he thinks you’re the right person for him or not. He doesn’t want to be alone and will act as a weight on you.

# He’s always in contact with you

If you don’t check your Whatsapp within minutes, you see a side of him that’s not very pretty. He’s always contacting you, even when you don’t really have anything to say. By always keeping in contact with you, forcing it upon you, he’s not letting you live your life unless he’s involved in every second of it.
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