6 Ways To Make Him Want You and Forget The Rest

This is what we all aim for when dating someone new. It’s always awkward never knowing where you stand or how they feel. Putting forth your best effort and learning how to make him want you the most is what it’s all about.

Because he could be dating other women. That means you have some competition and if you really like him, you’ll have to put in some work to make him see you and only you. And that’s a very tough thing to do because we all know guys don’t exactly have the best attention span.

Obviously, you only want to work hard for someone you think you can have a real future with. If he seems like the one, these tips can help you make him yours and yours only.

# Have an interest in his life

I know this seems obvious, but there’s a certain belief in society that says the guy should be into the girl and not really vice versa. We think they should ask us all the questions and then we just kind of shrug off their hobbies like they’re nothing.

Don’t do this. Take an active interest in his life and get him talking about the stuff he loves. When he associates you with such a great conversation and a care for what he likes, he’ll always think highly of you.

# Keep things interesting

As mentioned earlier, guys don’t have the best attention spans. What you really have to do is keep things interesting. Make him guess about what you’ll do next. Never be predictable.

The more entertaining you are this way, the more he’ll crave being around you. When he’s not sure what you’ll say or do, it’ll keep him on his toes and keep him interested.

# Be a little mysterious

If you’re wondering how to make him want you, remember that it’s okay to withhold some information. You don’t have to tell him every single thing about you on the first date. In fact, play a little coy. Give him some information but hold the details back. The more he has to dig, the better it’ll feel for him when he gets an answer.

# Flirt a little

Don’t go all out with the flirting though. What you really want to do is make him want a little more every time you say something cute. Give him a taste of what it would be like to get the full amount of flirting you have to offer and he’ll keep his eyes on you.

# Let the sexy side out minimally

You have to make him want more, not give him the whole thing right away. That being said, you do want to show him you’re a sexual person. Guys love sex and they’re very in touch with that side of them.

But so are you. Just because you don’t want to appear easy doesn’t mean you have to hold back completely. So make a dirty joke every now and then to show him he can eventually get that full side of you.

# Be upfront about how you feel

Being blunt isn’t something a lot of women do. And you know what? Guys love it. One thing guys fear most when dating women is that it’ll all be a guessing game.

They’ll have to wonder how you’re feeling and read all these hints that they’ll inevitably get wrong. They hate that. Which means you can be upfront and tell him you like him and that you want to keep seeing him. It’ll pay off for sure
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