7 Must Know Psychological Facts About Relationships

These psychological facts about relationships might shock you, but they certainly explain a lot about how you feel when you fall in love.

The moment you set eyes on someone you like, everything changes. Not only do you start to feel things you may have never felt before, but you act in a way that may be a little out of character! It turns out that much of this is actually out of our hands. It’s down to our brains and the chemicals it releases. These psychological facts about relationships may open your eyes to how you feel and what you do when you form an attachment to someone.

They say that love is blind, but is it really? And, when you get butterflies, what is really going on? It’s interesting to learn about, and while it won’t take the mystery and fun out of being in a relationship and how it makes you feel, it will give you a greater sense of understanding!

# There are three stages to love

The first of our psychological facts about relationships explains the three stages of stranger to lover. First, you experience lust. This is a strong and sometimes overwhelming feeling which is often confused for love. Secondly, you form an attraction to that person, and you want to get to know them better. Finally, you form an attachment and fall deeply in love. Of course, for some, this attachment doesn’t last. However, it doesn’t make the love any less valuable and precious.

# Lust is actually a deep desire to have children!

Whether you realize it or not, and whether you actually want children or not, lust is actually driven by the need to get it on and reproduce. It’s a deeply rooted reaction and probably quite outdated. But it goes back to the days of the cave people, when reproducing was vitally important for the survival of the human race!

# Attraction and obsession are pretty similar

You might think the word ‘obsession’ is a little strong, because we link it with stalkers and out of character behavior. However, it turns out that when you’re really attracted to someone, your brain shows the same patterns as when you’re obsessed with someone or something!

That goes a long way to explaining why when you first meet someone and you are attracted to them, you get butterflies, and everything seems super-exciting and fun.

# You’re not imagining it, attraction really does make you less hungry

Everyone has heard the saying that when you’re falling for someone, you can’t eat, you can’t sleep, and you can’t think about anything else for a long period of time. It turns out that the eating part at least is true! In the attraction stage, your brain releases norepinephrine and also dopamine. This combination can actually lower your appetite.

# Loving chocolate is a little like falling in love

You know how when you have one square of chocolate, it’s just not enough? Then, you go on to eat the whole bar? There is a reason behind that, and it’s one of the psychological facts about relationships too! It turns out that phenylethylamine, a hormone released by the brain when you fall in love is also one of the ingredients in chocolate. Explains a lot, right?

# Say NO to drugs, you can get the same high from falling in love

We all know that drugs are a huge no-no, but did you know that when you fall in love, it’s almost the same high feeling as eating cocaine? I told you these psychological facts about relationships might shock you! A recent study showed that the chemical brain patterns of someone who has taken cocaine are pretty similar to someone who experiences all the butterflies of falling in love.
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