Men are exhausting. Honestly, they tell us that we’re the complicated ones? I don’t think so! When it comes to love, many men are simply terrified of the concept, causing a lot of unnecessary drama. But understanding the signs he is afraid to fall for you will help cut the drama out of your life.
Most women spend their time analyzing texts or situations that have happened with a specific guy, even when they know that the guy likes them. Why? Because men aren’t always upfront about their feelings.
Now, this isn’t to say all men are like this. But, every so often, you’ll run into a guy who’s afraid of falling for you, even if you are perfect together.
# You feel itI always say this because it’s true. If you feel it, then it’s probably true. Your intuition is strong and should never be ignored. Now, it doesn’t mean that he’s going to make a move; that’s a different story. If you feel like there’s something going on with him, well, you’re not wrong.
# He acts differently around youWhen he’s with his friends or other people, he’s completely cool. But when he’s around you, there’s this shift of energy. Now, when he’s around you, he’s either laying on the charm or nervous. Both are signs he’s into you but afraid of what to do or how he feels.
# It’s all mixed signalsUsually, men who are afraid to fall for you, even though they like you, will give you a big mess of mixed signals. One day they’re hot. The next day, they’re cold. This is why many of us struggle with “reading the signs.” But that’s because they’re having problems understanding and accepting their own feelings.
# He’s checking you outMaybe you didn’t think he was into you, but if you caught him eyeing you, well, there’s your sign. It’s an easy way to tell if someone is into you. You don’t stare at people you’re not attracted to, right? Exactly. If his eyes are on you, there’s a reason why.
# When there’s a moment to make a move, he freezes
There’s usually a moment when the two of you are looking at each other, and you feel that something is going to happen. At that moment, usually, something does happen. But he’s terrified, so instead, he freezes and will change the subject or leave. And this is clearly one of those strong signs he is afraid to fall for you, whatever his reason may be.
# He has a jealous side
When you talk about other guys in front of him, he gets a little jealous. Though he’ll never admit it, you know why he’s jealous. If he’s changing the subject or unable to control his feelings, well, he’s not pleased. But if he’s not making a move, then he has nothing to complain about!
# He’s touchy
He’ll hold your hand; he’ll kiss you and hug you. But then there’s a limit. You feel like he puts up a wall when it gets to a certain part. And that’s because he does. He doesn’t want you to get the wrong idea even though he’s clearly playing with you.