7 Secret Signs of a Controlling Boyfriend You Should Never Ignore

It’s always romantic and sweet when a guy cares about you. But sometimes, protectiveness and concern can be a thin veil that hides the signs of a controlling boyfriend. And chances are, you won’t even be able to tell the difference until you start to feel suffocated or miserable, without even knowing why!

This is all too common now, especially with social media glorifying control and scraps of attention as romantic instead of what it really is a shitty excuse of a relationship that’s based on fake romantic gestures, control and game-playing.Watch out for these subtle signs, and if you do find your boyfriend’s behavior bordering on any of these controlling signs, talk to him about it and ask him to change. If he is a genuinely good guy, he’ll understand where you’re coming from, and he’ll fix it. But if he’s one of those guys who is intentionally manipulating you with his vulnerable act, he’ll stay the same and try to control you even more!

So is he a great guy, full of love, affection and genuine concern? Or is he trying to control you? Read these signs of a controlling boyfriend, and ask yourself if you’ve ever experienced any of these signs, however subtle they may be.

# He puts you down

A controlling boyfriend doesn’t like it when you’re too independent. He puts you down when you do something by yourself and makes it look like you can’t do anything without his help. He picks flaws in anything you do, and helps you do a better job.

He disrespects you and anything you do, and makes it seem like you need him to become a better person. This will eventually make you lose your own confidence, and wait for his reassurance and help each time you try something new.

# He doesn’t like it when you go out with your friends

Does he say your friends are a bad influence or does he think one of your guy friends is hitting on you? He starts to choose your friends and tells you whom to hang out with. Eventually you’d find yourself losing touch with most of your friends.

# He’s insecure and doubts you

He plays mind games and tries to trap you with tricky, unnecessary questions. He tries confusing you into giving him contradictory answers which makes you feel like you are the bad person in the relationship.

# He wants to know everything about you

He hates secrets. At first, you think this is sweet and so romantic! He tells you all his passwords and secrets, and expects you to do the same, be it your phone, email or social media accounts. He wants to know every single detail of your daily life, and when he finds out that you haven’t told him a few things, he acts pained and hurt.

# He stalks you

He wants you to keep in touch with him very often, and he wants to be informed about everything you’re doing even if you’re just stepping out of office for a coffee break with your friends.

One of the signs of a controlling boyfriend is that he expects detailed updates about what you do every hour of the day. And if you forget to update him because you were busy or out having fun with friends, he blames you for not investing enough time and love in the relationship.

# He doesn’t like it when you have fun without him

This is rather simple and easy to see. If you go out with your own friends for a night out without him, he sulks or acts grumpy and makes up another excuse about why he’s upset. Sometimes, he may even blame you for his mood and use an excuse like “you didn’t call me enough” or “you ignored me”.

He feels unloved every moment when you’re with someone else. It’s all sweet, until you realize that he’s happiest when you spend time with no one else but him!

# He cripples you

He looks for any excuse to prove a point. If something offends or bothers him, he’ll wait for a perfect excuse to bring that conversation up and prove his point. If your friend gets into a car crash, he may gloat about it and make it a point to tell you why he doesn’t like you travelling with that guy. He loves saying “I told you so” and makes you feel lost without his guidance in life.
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