7 Signs a Woman Wants Your Attention

As a man, you may not know when a woman wants your attention. Is she playing hard to get or really isn’t interested? Whether you are interested in a woman and want to know if she likes you back, or are just clueless, you’ll want to know the signs a woman wants your attention.

Does she want you to flirt with her playfully or pay attention to something important she wants to share? Is your girlfriend silently begging for you to pay attention to her? Is a stranger across the bar sending you signals?

You don’t want to miss out on a potentially great thing because you couldn’t tell if she wanted your attention or not. The thing is, if a woman wants your attention there will be signs. Subtle or not, they’ll be there. All you have to do is know where to look to read the signs a woman wants your attention.

# She’s always nearby

A woman who is showing signs that she wants your attention will always be within your grasp. She will sit closer to you at the bar, make a point to walk by your desk at work, even if it’s out of her way.

She will be sure to be in your sightline at parties or somewhere you can easily find her. If she wants your attention, even the most subtle sign will be within your sight.

# She shows interest in your hobbies

If she never seems interested in baseball until she realized you were a fan, she’s trying to find common ground with you. She may want you to think she shares a hobby with you, so you have an easy in to talk to her.

# She makes eye contact

You may think eye contact is just a normal human trait, but when you are talking to someone platonically, you don’t look into their eyes for more than a second or two. When you are romantically interested in someone and want their undivided attention, you linger on eye contact.

# She smiles sincerely from across the room

This is one of the most subtle signs a woman wants your attention, but it is also very common. You need good intuition to be sure about this though. Not every across-the-room smile means she wants your attention.

A fake or forced smile could be due to awkwardness because you made involuntary eye contact. But, a sincere or mildly embarrassed smile with a touch of blushing probably means she wants your attention.

# She changes her look

If you notice she always has her hair done or is wearing a new perfume around you, she may be begging for a compliment. She may be making these small changes to her appearance so you take note and say something.

One compliment can lead to a first date invite. She is sending you signs to make that ask.

# She playfully touches you

Women do not touch men the same way men touch women. When a man must get past a woman, he tends to touch the small of her back or move her out of the way. He might brush her hair out of her face or guide her out of his way with a touch at the waist.

These are things many men do to all sorts of women whether he knows them or not. Women do not do things like this without intent. Women will only brush your arm or playfully slap your shoulder when they want you to read into it. If your hair is messed up they won’t fix it themselves without a meaning behind it.

# She’s active on your social media

A woman who wants you to reach out to you will make herself available and stay at the forefront of your mind. Not only will she hang around physically, but digitally as well.

She will be sure to like your latest photos. She may send you memes or comment on your posts. But she might not make it clear she is romantically interested but will show subtle signs she is there.
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