7 Signs He Wants a Relationship But is Scared

I’m only telling you this because I recently had my heart destroyed by a guy scared to commit. Did he like me? Oh yes, he did. Did he want to be with me? Yes. Did I get rejected when I told him my feelings for him? Yup.

Sure, he wanted a relationship, but he was too scared. It’s been two months, and I still can’t bring myself to meet new guys. So, to prevent this from happening to you, you need to be aware of the signs and be strong enough to know when to stop pursuing him.

I know you like him, but if he’s showing these signs, you need to protect your heart.

# He’s all about the mixed signals

When he’s with you, it’s amazing, you two click right off the bat. But when you and your guy aren’t hanging out, there’s not much going on.

Listen, these guys are the masters of sending mixed signals. Why? Because they like you, but there’s something that makes them not want to commit. So they hang around you all the time, but then don’t talk to you, blah blah blah. It’s a circular pattern because they struggle between what they want.

# He’s had no other previous relationships

Well, this is a sign he has some issues. If he’s never had a relationship before lasting more than six months, there’s a reason why. He obviously has some commitment issues to sort out.

# He doesn’t plan anything with you

He can’t think about the future with you. Don’t even plan for the summer or even next week, it’s too much for him. Everything is about now and this very moment, cut the inspirational yoga crap, buddy.

# He’s hot and cold

Katy Perry was right, I can’t believe I said that. But she was. He’ll act like your boyfriend one minute. Then the second he remembers what he’s doing, he closes up and ignores you for a couple days. This happened to me, it was so frustrating, but it works. [Read: The tricky mind games men play that any girl can win]

# He’s a master in the bedroom

This guy rocks your world, but that’s because he’s had a lot of experience. Like, a lot. So, that already shows you what type of past he’s had. Also, if most of your relationship activities are sex-related, that’s a good sign that he’s not committed to you.

# Parents? What parents?

For most of these guys, their parents don’t exist. You know they’re alive, but you’ll never meet them. Bringing you home shows his parents he’s interested in you. It also shows you, that he really likes you. If he doesn’t want that impression to rub off on you, he’ll keep his family far away.

# He avoids any relationship topics

Yeah, I know, you’ve brought up the whole “what are we” topic and suddenly he’s nowhere to be seen. He doesn’t want to talk about it because he likes how things are now. Why change something that’s comfortable for him? He’s “with” you but not really “with” you.
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