The secret to knowing how to keep him interested in you isn’t nearly as difficult as you might have been led to believe. How many magazines tell you to look a certain way, act a certain way, maintain a certain amount of mystery, try hard but not too hard? It’s a recipe that’s pretty hard to get right. It’s no wonder that so many people fail!
Stop trying so hard! If he’s worthwhile, you shouldn’t need to push him to stay on your side. He should naturally be there because he wants to spend time in your company and get to know you better.
# Show interest in the things he is interested in
This doesn’t mean you become an expert in whatever he enjoys, but show an interest to a degree and show the willingness to learn more.
By doing this, you’ll open up the things you can talk about. He’ll think it’s the best thing in the world that his partner is making an effort.
# Appreciate the things he doesIf he does something nice for you, show that you appreciate it. Don’t simply assume that he has to do these things, because he doesn’t, just like you don’t necessarily have to do things for him. Having someone who appreciates you is a wonderful feeling. It’s something which certainly fits into the how to keep him interested category.
# Make sure you maintain your own interests
The biggest mistake you can make is letting your own interests go and allowing his presence in your life to take over everything. Make sure that you keep your own interests, and if possible, obtain even more.
By doing this, you’re showing him that you’re independent, and as a result, a real keeper. That’s certainly how to keep him interested!
# Focus on your own life and avoid being clingy
By focusing on your own life and staying in line with your own interests, you’re also avoiding becoming clingy. There is nothing worse than someone who clings to you like glue.
Most guys need their own space occasionally. So, when you have your own life, see your own friends, and do things you enjoy, you’re allowing him that space. Bonus! You do something positive for yourself too.
# Don’t feel like you have to tell him everythingMaintaining a certain amount of mystery is vital if you want to keep him on his toes. That doesn’t mean playing hard to get or showing zero interest. It doesn’t mean deliberately withholding important information, but it does mean you don’t have to tell him every single detail of your life. You are allowed to do things for you, without telling him about it or asking for his permission.
# Don’t show a need for commitment early on
While you might want to commit, it’s important that you take things slowly. There is nothing more terrifying to a man than someone who comes on too strong and seeks commitment before a few weeks have even passed.
By all means, have the conversation, but make sure you don’t attempt it until enough time has elapsed for it to be acceptable to the both of you.
# Be happy! There is nothing more attractive on this planet than a smiling, happy person and that goes for relationships too. If your guy is seeing you happy and smiling, he’s going to want to spend more time around you and in itself, that it is how to keep him interested!
If you’re always down, stressed, and panicking about the relationship status, you’ll drown the energy out of him and he will want to run. However, do the opposite and he’ll stick around.