7 Warnings Signs to Look Out For on the First Few Dates

The first date is usually wrought with a lot of anxiety. But in defense of the people who had an awful first date and pretty awesome successive dates, the first date isn’t always a definitive factor in letting you know whether or not you and your date would really hit it off.

Who knows, your date may have been stressed out at work during your date, or he or she may be going through a tough time.

It takes a couple of dates to find out if the person you’re dating really jives with you. However, there are a couple of red flags you should watch out for when you’re just starting off dating. These things may not show themselves on the first date, but on the second, third and fourth date, you may start to notice a pattern in their behavior.

# Doesn’t care about their appearance

When you’re out on a date, you would, of course, want to look presentable. You’d wear something clean and appealing like a crisp shirt or a cute dress. But if you start to notice that your date doesn’t put the least bit of effort into their appearance, then that’s a huge red flag.

It’s not just the clothes that you have to watch out for. You should also be on the lookout for clues about your date’s hygiene. Dirty nails, gunk between the teeth and consistently greasy hair are just some of the telling signs. Horrible body odor is another reason to run the other way. These things just show that your date doesn’t take care of his/her body, so what makes you think they’d be able to care for you?

# Rudeness

Whether your date is being consistently rude to you or to other people around you, it’s never a good sign. To their benefit, give them three chances since it’s possible that your date was being unintentionally rude. But if you notice that the intent is to insult or to demean a person, you have the right to turn your back and walk away.

# Arrogance

There are just some people who can’t help but brag about their accomplishments. They can talk about how much money they make or how many awards they’ve received or how heavy their weights are at the gym. Sometimes, these things can feel like genuine pride in what they’re good at, which is perfectly fine.

But if you notice that your conversations always seem to revolve around what he/she is good at, then you should watch out lest you be blown away with all the hot air your date is spewing!

# Low self-esteem

This is the opposite of the above red flag, but it can be equally annoying. There are some people who always seem to talk about themselves in a way that makes you feel sorry for them. Signs of low self-esteem are frequently downplaying their achievements, always making you feel sorry for them or always acting like the victim of everything. Watch out for these types as you may end up being exhausted in trying to make them feel better about themselves all the time.

# The damsel/don in distress

This can often be mistaken for low self-esteem, but the difference is that your date is looking to you to get him/her out of a rut. Warning signs include asking you for help with the smallest things, asking you for money or asking you to take them out of a bad situation.

At first, it may feel good to be helpful and chivalrous *especially for guys*, but you may soon notice that it’s not you that your date is into, it’s what you can do for him/her.

# Over sharing

Some people feel the need to share the most intimate details of their lives with you to feel like they’re making a connection. Sharing too much too soon, however, is not healthy dating behavior. There are some things you’d definitely want to save for future conversations or for the time when you feel completely at ease with the person you’re dating.

# Audience seekers

Have you ever been out on a date where you can’t seem to put a word in whenever your date starts talking? Audience seekers are people who always want to find an audience to tell about whatever’s going on in their lives. They couldn’t care less about your life because it’s all “me, me, me!” for them. These people just love hearing the sound of their own voice!
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