You’re really into this girl, but you feel something isn’t quite right. She kisses and hugs you, but you’re not feeling the love. Are you the rebound guy?
I’ve been the rebound girl a couple times. You think they’re into you, but there’s something missing when you’re around them. So, if your gut says something’s not right, follow your instinct. You don’t want to be the rebound guy.
We’ve all been in relationships which broke our hearts and left us feeling like nothing’s going to happen in our lives from here on out. The good news is that it does get better. But right after a break-up, we enter a period of insecurity and sadness.
So, what do people do? They jump into another relationship. I completely understand why. Who wants to feel heartbreak? Who wants to be alone? So, instead, they pick someone out of the crowd they think will be good for them.
# Though you’re together, there’s a piece missingPeople say men aren’t intuitive, but that’s a lie. Everyone is intuitive, you just have to pay attention to those feelings. If you feel that there’s something missing, then there’s something missing. Don’t second guess it, listen to this instinct.
# You’re moving fast… too fastThey already told you that they love you, they hold your hand, you’re going to move into together… and you just met two weeks ago. You really like her, so I get it, but isn’t it a little too fast? No? Though it’s moving quickly, you have a feeling that it’s not progressing at the same time.
# When they talk about their ex, there’s angerIt’s normal to mention your ex in certain conversations. If you’re over your ex, you should be able to talk about them without any resentment. However, if their face turns red with fury, well, they’re still not over their ex. Clearly.
# There’s a lot of sex involvedThis is probably the only advantage to being a rebound. You’re going to have a lot of sex. They need to forget their partner. And they try to do that through sex. They want to feel a connection, however, they’re emotionally not capable.
# They focus on making their ex jealousThey take selfies with you or post romantic statutes not because they actually feel that way but because they want to make their ex jealous. Of course, they follow them on Facebook, how else would they creep them? They also know their ex sees their posts, and what better way to make someone jealous than to post a photo of them kissing someone else.
# They were freshly single before meeting youIf you ask them about their dating history, they mention they were in a relationship and they broke up, but next, ask them when that happened. My guess is that it’s pretty fresh, a couple weeks or a month or two. If they’re freshly single, it’s not enough time to process emotions and feelings. When I was dumped, it took me a solid year to get over it.
# Generally, they seem lost in lifeBasically, they don’t know who they are or what they want. It’s almost as if they’re only able to identify themselves as who they were. And now, they seem to be floating without really any understanding of themselves.
And listen, they’re not trying to learn about themselves, that’s why they rebounded. They don’t want to feel pain, they don’t want to grow. They just want to be comfortable.