8 Tips To Be a Sexy Girlfriend He Knows You Can Be

There’s just no denying that guys think with something other than their brain. It’s just the cold hard truth, and us ladies have to remember that. Fortunately, being a sexy girlfriend doesn’t have to do with what we look like nearly as much as you might think.

In fact, there can be ridiculously attractive girls who just aren’t sexy at all. Sexiness is much more about how you behave and your attitude more than it is about the way you look. Yes, your boyfriend may think visually, but it’s the cues he’s seeing that make him think you’re sexy. You could say that it comes down to the X-factor, that invisible force that you can’t quite put your finger on, but one that’s extremely powerful.

If you want to shock your boyfriend and become the girl he’s always wanted, you’ll need a few pointers. Guys kind of have this image of the perfect sexy girlfriend, and that’s usually one who can make him feel things that he never has before.

That may sound like a tall order to fill, but with these tips on becoming the sexy girlfriend your boyfriend always wanted, you’ll learn how in no time. Now, go surprise him and be that sexy girl he knows you can be!

# Find out what he likes

Different guys find different things to be sexy. One guy may think you in a large t-shirt with your hair all messy is sexy, while another guy might think that looks lazy and unattractive.

Get to know him more and find out what he finds sexy. Listen to the comments he makes about certain girls in movies and whatnot. You can also pay attention to how he reacts to certain things you do. If he seems to think it’s sexy, do it more!

# Gain some confidence

Confidence is vital in portraying yourself as sexy, even if you don’t think you are. If you can have confidence, or even fake it, you’ll be much sexier to him than you were before.

# Make eye contact often

Never underestimate the power of eye contact. The reason this is so sexy is because it commands attention. If you walk into a room and slowly lift your lids and give your man eye contact, you’re making a connection out of pretty much nothing. That’s sexy.

# Have a sense of humor

You can ask a whole lot of people out there and they’ll all agree that in order to be a sexy girlfriend, you have to have a sense of humor. Nothing is sexier than a girl that can take a joke and not make a big deal out of it.

# Use your smile

Smiling is extremely warming and sexy. If you’ve got a great smile, USE IT. You can light up an entire room with a smile, and he’ll notice just how sexy that is.

# Have a signature scent and always smell great

We ladies all agree that when a man smells good, it’s really sexy, right? Well, not surprisingly, guys think the same thing about when a girl smells good.

The secret to this is to wear perfume *not a lot* right before having sex. Then use that same perfume when you go out together, and it’ll automatically make him think about when you two were intimate. And that’s really sexy.

# Invest in some sexy clothing that makes you feel great

This doesn’t mean lingerie, necessarily. Different guys have different clothes they think are sexy. If your guy thinks you’re sexiest in a pair of leggings with a simple t-shirt, then go buy that! However, buying something like lingerie that’s ONLY for his eyes can also be really sexy. However, you have to feel good in it otherwise your sexiness just won’t shine through.

# Be interested in his interests

If he’s really into a certain book or movie or band, get interested in it, too. Obviously, don’t fake being into something just because he is. But gaining a genuine interest in his hobbies is going to be really sexy to him.
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