There’s not much worse than a clingy guy. It’s kind of frustrating because at first, they just seem like really big sweethearts who actually show their interest in you. But after a while, the initial appeal wears off as their “interest” deepens and deepens. Then they’re just really annoying and nearly impossible to get rid of.
And that’s why it’s just best to avoid getting serious with anyone who appears to be remotely clingy. Clinginess is quite probably the one trait that passes off as affection and a form of love when it’s actually toxic.
So when you date a clingy guy, expect that you’ll feel suffocated and like you can’t breathe. So if you know the signs of a clingy guy, you can easily avoid dating one and save yourself all that trouble.
There are several reasons why a guy becomes clingy, and not even in an adorable way. First of all, clingy guys become the way they are because of their childhood and background. Guys who grow up without much love or without the right example of what love really is tend to be more clingy.
Since they were deprived of affection and love as a childhood, they unintentionally become clingy even in their dating life. Another reason is when guys have relationship anxiety or even just anxiety in general.
# He’s overly curious when you meet
It’s natural for a guy who thinks you’re attractive to be a little pushy. It’s not normal for a guy to be curious about every single thing about your life. If he seems overly interested now, he could be the clingy type.
Watch out for him. If he keeps asking all sorts of questions about your life and is persistent to know more, even when you just met, this could be one of the subtle signs of a clingy guy.
# He texts you right when you give him your numberWe all want guys to text us when we give them our number, but you can tell clinginess right off the bad if he texts you right after. Basically, if you hand him your number and turn around to a new text from him, he might be the clingy type.
This could be cute or he could just be trying to make sure you have his number, but it’s also indicative of a clingy guy. Just be careful if this is the case. Remember, it’s easy to blur the lines between clinginess and affection.
# He doesn’t really stop texting youAnd once he gets a reply, he just keeps going and going and going. You have to say goodbye multiple times and even then, he still pops up for some reason. This is a significant sign that guy is clingy, and you want to avoid him at all costs – unless you like being bothered all the time.
If he blows up your phone and you find that most of your notifications are coming from him, he’s a stage-five clinger! This is no longer cute but suffocating on your end.
# He always reaches out first
Obviously, this means he’s clearly interested in you. But it could also be a sign he’s super clingy. By him always being the first to reach out, he’s not giving you time to miss him. He’s not even giving you time to be the first. And that means he’s texting or calling you way too frequently for it to be considered normal behavior.
The way to spot a clingy guy is when you look back, and there was never a time you went first in communicating – it was always him. He’s obviously made it a habit to go first because he’s clingy!
# He sends multiple unanswered textsThis is the biggest red flag. If you meet a guy who starts doing this right off the bat, it’s best to avoid him unless you want the clingiest of guys with you. If he’s sending multiple unanswered texts, he’s desperate for your reply, and that desperation will leak into any sort of relationship you have with him.
Double texts without a response might even be considered okay, as we’ve been guilty of this at some point. But multiple texts? Now that’s one of the signs of a clingy guy you should know about.
# He rushes thingsWhether it’s the date or the physical stuff, he’s in a hurry. It’s like he wants to get to relationship mode ASAP. That’s a sign he could be very needy and clingy upfront. Avoid guys who try to rush right through things.
This means he’s also in a hurry skipping particular phases in your relationship, such as getting to know one another. He immediately wants to get to the good part, even if you just met. That’s a big no-no!
# He tries to talk about your romantic history
This is perfectly fine if you’ve been dating for a while and can talk about this, but it’s not okay if he tries to get the dirty details of your past out in the open right away. It means he wants to know who you’ve been with, and that could be a sign of clinginess along with jealousy.
If he’s digging about your past right before you get to that point of comfortability and vulnerability, this is one of the signs of a clingy guy. You should never be forced to open up before you’re ready, ever.
# He starts planning multiple dates when you haven’t even had oneYou may have set the first date but if he’s already talking about stuff he wants to do with you weeks in the future, you have a stage 5 clinger on your hands. Avoid this type because while his eagerness might seem cute now, it’ll get old really fast.
Again, there’s an evident difference between a guy who plans and just a clingy know. It’s crucial that you know the difference. He’s not being sweet by planning your dates ahead, but he’s being clingy *and extra creepy*!