9 Subtle Yet Powerful Signs She Cares About You

Have you recently met a girl and think she might be someone special? You’re probably a little confused as to where her feelings stand. Don’t panic, it’s normal to experience these insecurities! The truth is that not everyone comes right out and tells you that they care or that they like you. Sometimes you have to read between the lines a little. To help you out, check out these signs she cares about you. If you notice a majority coming your way, she certainly is wanting the same thing as you.

Think about how you show someone that you care about them. It’s very unlikely that you go around just saying it.Maybe you tell them to text you when they get home, or perhaps you like to grab them their favorite coffee ‘just because.’ These are all ways we show that we care.

# She remembers small details about you

If you don’t mean anything to her, she wouldn’t bother remembering your birthday, favorite color, favorite meal, or the other small details which make you the person you are.

This means you’re clearly in her brain. It’s a surefire sign she cares about you.

# She’s genuinely interested in how your day went

If she doesn’t care, she won’t have the slightest interest in whether your day went well or not. If she always asks how your day was, and always asks if you’re alright, etc., that’s a great sign.

# She worries about you

Perhaps you have a headache, or maybe you didn’t sleep well the night before. Care means she will be worried about that to a degree.

Okay, she’s not going to be full-scale panicking, but she will be concerned, e.g. ‘make sure you get some sleep tonight, you look really tired.’

# She will give you advice

Most girls are great at giving out advice. Is she advising you on the best way forward, especially in terms of the future? This is a girl with your best interests at heart.

Sure, if you only notice this one sign then there is a possibility that it’s a friendship deal. But, add in a few more signs, there’s definitely romance in the ai

# She wants to know about the people in your life

If she seems genuinely interested to learn about the important people you have in your life, such as your family and friends, that’s a great sign too.

She could also be trying to find out more about them so that if she gets to meet them, she can impress them. Every girl wants to impress her partner’s parents and friends!

# She tries to help

If you have a problem, giving advice is one thing but actively doing something to help is quite another.

A person who cares will jump in to help. If you notice that she actually does try and solve a problem of yours, or at least helps, that’s a sign she cares about you.

# She’s happy when you’re happy

A girl doesn’t need to be an empath to pick up on your bad moods or other emotional cues. If you’re in a bad mood or feeling down, she’ll reflect it.

On the flip-side, when you’re happy, she’s happy, and that’s a true sign of affection.

# She acts selflessly around you

A girl who cares about you will put your happiness a little in front of her own, not completely, but she will want you to be the one smiling.

This can be something big or small, like giving you the last piece of chocolate cake, or missing out on a party because she knows you need her help with something.

# She encourages you to achieve

If she cares about you, she will want you to achieve and do great things in your life. She encourages you to go for opportunities and try new things. She will feel proud of you and be your biggest supporter.
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