Don’t you dislike that uncomfortable atmosphere following a disagreement? It's like this unspoken tension that lingers, making it hard to return to normalcy.
You may find yourself wondering if your partner is still upset, or if they're also stuck in that in-between state. Neither of you wants to break the ice first, and it's unclear what either of you truly intends.
It's frustrating because the argument is resolved, yet it feels difficult to move forward. By dwelling in this post-argument awkwardness, we prolong the negativity when we could be nurturing our relationships.
Arguments are already draining, and adding a few hours of awkward silence only worsens the situation. We must learn to swiftly and effectively resolve conflicts to avoid wasting time on confusion, pride, or resentment.
Here are 8 strategies to help you and your partner quickly recover and reconnect after an argument, so you can both enjoy each other’s company once again!
# Opt to Avoid Arguments InitiallyMost of us can concede that many of our disagreements are trivial, often forgotten within days. So, is it truly worthwhile to engage in arguments? Instead of resorting to verbal aggression, strive to address issues without hostility. Often, a more rational discussion leads to quicker resolution.
Take a moment to collect yourself and control your emotions. Listen attentively without interrupting, and consider the other person's perspective without overreacting. Even if you're the sole practitioner of this approach initially, your partner is likely to follow suit eventually.
# Release Grudges and Embrace PositivityPost-argument tension often persists because we struggle to let go of the disagreement. Sitting in silence, we continue to defend our viewpoint internally. Remember, neither arguing nor holding onto resentment is beneficial. You have the power to adopt a positive outlook. Even if something irked or upset you, or if the argument remains unresolved, choose to let it go.
In the grand scheme of things, your happiness and relationship health are paramount. They thrive when you don't allow every negative encounter to linger and weigh you down. Release and move forward – it's one of the most effective ways to avoid post-fight awkwardness.
# Avoid Overanalyzing the DisputeFollowing an argument, there's often an urge to dissect reactions and delve into the root causes. While clarifying misunderstandings can be constructive to a degree, excessive analysis hinders progress toward resolution and normalcy.
Moreover, it risks reigniting the argument. Exercise caution and keep discussions to a minimum. Accept that disagreements happen, and if further discussion isn't necessary, refrain from pursuing it.
Replace awkward silences with efforts to swiftly return to normalcy, prioritizing the restoration of harmony.
# Express Affection Through ActionsSometimes, verbal communication reaches an impasse after an argument. Remember the adage: actions speak louder than words. Demonstrate to your partner that the disagreement is forgiven by expressing affection.
Even if one of you is still holding onto resentment, initiating physical intimacy can instantly diffuse tension and facilitate healing.
There's a reason why make-up sex is a common phrase – intimacy allows for the expression of love, after which the quarrel often fades into insignificance.
# Offer Apologies and Acknowledge FaultIn the heat of the moment, we often say things we later regret. Arguments frequently stem from misunderstandings of each other's intentions.
Moreover, it's rare for only one person to be at fault; typically, both parties contribute to the dispute. While you may have spent much of the argument defending your position, it's crucial to recognize your own faults and apologize. Doing so often prompts the other person to do likewise.
Though it may bruise your ego, apologizing fosters closure and enables both parties to move forward, alleviating post-fight awkwardness.
# Dispel Awkward Silences with Positive ConversationDon't allow post-argument silences to linger unnecessarily. The longer they persist, the harder they are to overcome. Take a deep breath and act as though nothing happened. Steer the conversation toward positive topics or engage in light banter.
Initially, it may feel forced and awkward, but anything is preferable to silence. You'll be surprised at how quickly conversation returns to its usual flow.
# Consider a Change of SettingRemaining in the same physical space after an argument can prolong the tension. Neither party wants to take the first step toward resuming normalcy. Take the initiative and suggest a change of scenery – perhaps grab a coffee or go out to dinner.
A shift in environment, especially to a more social setting like a coffee shop or restaurant, can immediately alter the atmosphere between you both.
# Acknowledge the TensionFollowing a fight, it's challenging to gauge whether the other person shares your discomfort or remains resentful. Chances are, they're grappling with the same uncertainty.
Communicate that you're not holding onto anger and, importantly, express your dislike for the tension and silence following a disagreement.
More often than not, they'll be relieved to know you're experiencing similar feelings. Once both parties acknowledge that the argument is resolved, you can mutually decide to move forward.