5 Tips To Make Time For Love After Baby

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Thu, 20 July 2017 05:59:47

5 Tips To Make Time For Love After Baby

A new baby can do wonders for a couple's emotional connection. But your sexual connection? Not so much. A lackluster sex life is one of the most common complaints among couples with kids. But where does one find the time between burping, changing, feeding and not sleeping? Read on to find out how you and your man can keep the spice alive in your sex life after baby arrives.

So before times get tough for you and your hubby, keep these tips in mind...

Put Weight Aside

1. It's no secret

When you have a baby, you gain a little bit of weight, and sometimes that can cripple someone's self-esteem... and sex life. "Many women have difficulties feeling sexual and sexy due to weight gain, tiredness and having many of the affection needs met by baby," Firstein adds. "Please don't let this get in the way of your love and sexual expression to your husband." Firstein reminds that the weight will come off.

2. Don't Forget to Rest

Also, don`t forget to take naps while the baby is also napping, Firstein suggests. And, most importantly, be excited when your husband walks through the door. If you're visibly stressed, there's nothing sexy about that. And by the same token, your husband should be just as excited to see you, as well.

3. Make a Schedule

Couples can't help but be busy. Not only do you have careers to worry about, now you have a baby. If you must, schedule time alone with your spouse," Firstein advises. "Go out for a glass of wine once a week. Leave the baby with a sitter or a relative.

4. Stay Connected

Do not lose a sexual connection. It's hard to get it back, so don't let it dissipate to begin with. One way to stay connected with your spouse is to communicate your feelings, your worries and your triumphs. Talk to each other before you fall asleep, for starters. E-mail and text each other during the day but please, keep it positive!

5. Make Time to Warm Up

We're talking to the men, by the way. "Make time for some serious foreplay, guys, as fatigue can definitely lower one`s desire," Nelkin says. "Women usually need to get warmed up, so to speak." Ladies, don't forget to give this special hint to your man. Or, you can always "drive the ship" when you`re in bed together. Don't be afraid to ask for things!

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