Effects Of An Abusive Marriage

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 23 June 2017 07:51:18

Effects of an Abusive Marriage

Abuse can happen to anyone yet the problem is often ignored, overlooked denied or tolerated. Women Sometimes land in abusive relationships with a wrong husband or in-laws. Such types of marriages affects the different aspects of life of partner.

Love - In most abusive marriages violence does not happen daily. During those peaceful times, the abuser may be a very loving and kind person. But there will be always a threat in the life of that kind of spouse.

Finances -
Abused women may feel that, if they leave, they will have no way to support themselves & their children.

Religious beliefs - Some victims feel that divorce goes against their cultural beliefs & is to be avoided at all expense.

Low Self-Esteem - The self-Esteem of some victims is so low they feel they deserve the violence. They may not have enough faith in themselves.

Fear - The abuser may threaten to kill the victim. Fear for her life may compel a woman to stay in an abusive relationship.

Shame - The victim may feel responsible for the abuse and may feel she has failed in some way. Shame can keep the victim from reaching out & asking for help.

Isolation - The abuser`s threats can cause the victim to become cut off from communicating with friends & family.

Types of abuses-

Emotional Abuse - Abuse may be in such a way as to make one feel worthless, not letting one have money even for essentials or allowing her to go out of the house or to her parent`s place. A sign of emotional abuse is to chip away at your feelings of self-worth t your feelings of self- worth & independence.

Sexual Abuse - Any situation n which one is forced to participate in unwanted, unsafe or degrading sexual activity is sexual abuse.

Economical Abuse - Rigidly controlling one`s finances, Withholding money or credit cards & making one`s account for every penny she spend & Withholding basic necessities  (Food,Clothes, medications, Shelter) are main signs of Economical abuses.

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