5 Tips To Plan A Perfect Road Trip

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 23 June 2017 7:58:37

5 Tips To plan A Perfect Road Trip

1. Planning Your Routes

You know your destination, but deciding on your route and stops can really depend on your travel style. How Stuff Works suggests you make sure everyone is on the same page before you leave to avoid being stuck in a car with unhappy passengers for 8 hours a day. If you have to travel with someone who`s style doesn`t mesh with yours, consider planning a shorter trip.

2. Flexible Plans

No matter how much you plan, you should expect things to go differently. Keeping an open mind and go with the flow. Road construction, bridges being out, and messy accidents are almost guaranteed to slow things down along the way. Try not to stress about it too hard and remember that it will probably make a good story someday. It`s also a good idea to keep loose plans because you never know when fun and interesting opportunities will arise.

3. Budget

Driving somewhere can cost you less money than flying there, but it still comes with hidden costs.

4. Save Money

You might have a good budget in place, but that doesn`t mean you can`t still save. Going under budget means extra fun money, after all. Your big expense is going to be gas, and there are a couple things you can do to save.Fill up your car the day before you leave. You already know where the best prices for gas are around you. This will give you a solid start.

5. Vehicle Check

In the weeks leading up to your adventure, you need to make sure that your vehicle is in promo condition. This is important for you and your passengers safety, and a healthy vehicle won`t break down on you in the middle of nowhere.

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