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Love Language, Give And Receive Love In Different Ways

By: Sun, 25 June 2017 09:01:43

Love Language, give and receive love in different ways

We all like to give and receive love in different ways. In short, we all have our own love language. Everyone`s love language is valid, but problems arises when you speak a different one to your partner`s. If one of them expresses their feeling in a way the other partner doesn`t understand, they won`t feel loved.

Love Language 1

Time Together
If this is your first language, you will feel most loved when we makes time for you to spend together as a couple. You crave being taken away for romantic weekends and adore dinners for two.

Love Language 2

For some people, a massage, a hug or holding hands means more than any words, deeds or boxes of chocolates. But don`t assume that touch in a relationship just means sex. Casual non –sexual touches, such as a reassuring pat on the arm, can be as important as passionate kisses or declarations of love.

Love Language 3

Do you get a thrill when you hear `` I love you``.? Are you happiest when he says how beautiful you look and how much fun you are? Telling your partner how you appreciate them and general praise and acceptance are all important if this is their love language.

Love Language 4

Doing Things For Each Other
A partner who speaks `action` will appreciate your help more than anything. Give them relaxed night at home, type out their CV, or prepare them a nice lunch to take to work. Many men feel more loved when they are fussed off.

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