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Simple 4 Tips To Maintain Healthy Relation With Your Spouse

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 23 June 2017 07:51:49

Simple 4 tips to maintain healthy relation with your spouse

Treat your spouse with Dignity, Respect, Love, All those thing which you expect for Yourself. Praise Your Spouse at every opportunity. Happiness grows to directly in proportion to your acceptance of the situation and in inverse proportion to your expectations. A successful marriage involves making compromises at every step to keep the peace.

Do not Criticize
There is nothing more embarrassing  than hearing a wife or husband criticizing her or his partner. Show your loyalty to your spouse by expressing your approval both privately and publicly.

Do not play the blaming game
It is human nature to point the finger at one`s spouse rather than one`s spouse rather than one`s own mistake. Spouses often blame each other when their needs are not met. Blaming the partner kills the good relationship and creates hatred and bitterness for each other. Apologies and thank the partner if needed which does diffuse anger and misunderstanding.

Appreciate your spouse
Appreciate each other`s good work and underplay the mistakes. Appreciation acts as a catalyst in getting the best out of a person. Lucky are women whose husbands, appreciate their work, beauty, talk, dress, make-up, suggestions and contributions to the family.

Know and understand
Most husbands fail to understand their wives well who can very well hide their feelings and motives. It is the duty of the husbands to try to understand their wives as much as they can. Women are sometimes shy, sometimes playful, sometimes shy, sometimes simple & sometime mysterious and difficult to understand. Learn to recognize when their No is Yes and when their Yes is No.

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