Beat The Summer Heat With Cool Cool Pineapple Ice Cream

By: Sandeep Gupta Tue, 13 June 2017 6:11:55

Beat the Summer heat with Cool Cool Pineapple Ice Cream


1/2 lits full cream milk
1 1/2 tbs GMS powder
1/8 tsp CMC powder
1 1/2 tbs cornflour
6 tbsp Sugar
1/4 cup milkpowder
1/4 tsp Pineapple essence
1 medium sliced Pineapple
3/4 cup sugar


For base Bring Milk to room temp. Add sugar, GMS, cournflour, CMC to milk bring it slowly to boil. Keep stirring.Take off from heat after 5 minutes.Once the mixture cools down, freeze it in freezer for 5 to 6 hours.

For flavors:

When the base is ready, cut small small pieces now add milk powder and Pineapple essence and pineapple crushed to it and whip it till it mixes well. You have to use electric beater.(we can use any flavour in place of vanilla such as BUTTER SCOTCH ,STRABERRY etc). Set this mixture again in freezer in icecream cups. After 1 or 2 hours a smooth and soft icecream is ready to eat .


Heat pineapple crushed and suger till sugar melt.

GMS (Glucose mono-stearate) and CMC (Carboxy methyl cellulose) are both emulsifier and thickening agents used in commercial icecreams. The names are pretty scary and look like coming straight from a chemistry lab but they are pretty easily available ingredients. This particular combo is also responsible for the smooth texture of ice creams.

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