Joint Parental Leave

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 13 June 2017 6:07:55

Joint Parental Leave

Sharing Parental leaves can be the answer to a number of issues like sharing baby care, housework. In the past, dads were allowed only 2 weeks parental leave but parents can now choose how to divide up the first year between them.  We know that the transition to parenthood is one of the toughest hurdles a couple can face together. Shared parental leave can make this transition easier, but there are some practical and financial factors to consider.
Managing the demands of a new born baby, along with all the existing household chores, is a lot to ask of one parent alone. Shared parental leave means that both parents can sometimes be at home together and the load can be shared during the day. It can also help new dads - who often experience the transition differently to mums - adjust better to the demands of parenting.

Couples who reject traditional gender roles are more likely to take up shared leave (Seward et al, 2006). But it’s not always easy to break down these barriers, and some dads may find their workplace culture getting in the way of taking parental leave. One study showed dads facing negative reactions from colleagues and bosses at the idea of reducing their working hours to look after babies.

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