5 Things Letting You Gain Weight

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 17 June 2017 08:08:32

5 Things Letting You Gain Weight

If you`re eating well and hitting the gym but the fat`s not falling off, your war on weight could be sabotaged by these unexpected weight-gain traitors.


Health,Health tips,healthy living,gain weight,weight-gain traitors,Artificial Sugar,improper sleep,Lack of Water,tension

Healthy men`s energy expenditure dropped by 5 per cent after a bad night`s sleep. You're also more likely to plump for high-calorie comfort foods over healthier choices due to an increase in ghrelin, the hormone that triggers hunger pangs.

Artificial Sugar

Health,Health tips,healthy living,gain weight,weight-gain traitors,Artificial Sugar,improper sleep,Lack of Water,tension

Any modern man with even a passing interest in health and fitness knows it`s sugar, not fat, keeping your Michelin-man roll where it is. Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners (like the ones found in diet or zero drinks) may not be much better.

Lack of Water

Health,Health tips,healthy living,gain weight,weight-gain traitors,Artificial Sugar,improper sleep,Lack of Water,tension

Latte on the way to work. Cola at the desk. Pint at the pub. We`re so spoiled for beverage choice during the day that plain water often gets forgotten. But hydration isn`t just about keeping cool.


Health,Health tips,healthy living,gain weight,weight-gain traitors,Artificial Sugar,improper sleep,Lack of Water,tension

With looming problems at work, stress can push you to the finish line at the 11th hour. Alas, it`s not doing anything for your 10k time. Research from Columbia University shows psychological stress is a clear indicator of high blood pressure, known as hypertension, and potential diabetes risks.

Healthy Diets

Health,Health tips,healthy living,gain weight,weight-gain traitors,Artificial Sugar,improper sleep,Lack of Water,tension

While eating breakfast doesn`t make you lose weight directly, it`s shown to reduce your total calorie intake at lunch and dinner because you`re not playing catch-up. Complex wholegrain carbs and protein will ensure you`re bouncing well into lunch think porridge, not a bacon and egg sarnie.

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