10 Vastu Tips For Your Main Door

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 27 May 2017 09:55:24

10 Vastu Tips For Your Main Door

Vastu shastra has been an considerable part from ages. People believe to follow it in order to attract more positive energy and walk on safe path. Vast is followed for every place, be it house or office. And the main door of home is said to be made with proper care, it is obvious that if more negative energies are entering a home from main door then people in the house will not prosper. On the other hand if more positive energy is entering home then the residents will prosper.

astrology tips,vastu tips for home,10 vastu tips for your main door,tips to attract positive vibes at home

1. Always keep entrance door well lit with bright lights.

2. Avoid having main door facing directly to another home’s main entrance.

3. Locate entrance at least a feet away from any corner.

4. Avoid main entrance facing intersecting roads.

5. Make sure that total number of door and windows in a house are even.

6. Avoid black color for main door.

7. Best option is to have two main doors in a home, one for entry and another for exit having two and one shutters respectively.

8.Avoid obstructing things like poles, trees, wires etc, in front of main entrance.

9. Always have some beautiful design and paint on main door. In other words avoid keeping main door dull and drab.

10. Don’t keep shoes in front of main entrance, keep them at a side.

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