3 Unknown Facts About Devi Annapoorna

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Mon, 21 Aug 2017 7:16:30

3 Unknown Facts About Devi Annapoorna

Goddess Annapurna is the goddess of Hindu religion. She is considered to be the goddess of wealth, glory and happiness. She is also said to be "Gods fulfillment". It is believed that the goddess Annapurna relaxes the hunger of devotees and whoever worship them, there is no shortage of grain in the house. In Hindu texts and mythology, details of mother Annapurna have come many times. The interesting things related to the Goddess Annapurna are:

# The Vedas have written that before going to Sri Lanka, Sri Ram worshiped Goddess Annapurna to eradicate the hunger of its monkeys, after which the Goddess had restrained the hunger of the armies and blessed the conquest of victory.

# According to the Mythology Books, when there was a severe shortage of food in Kashi, people were troubled by this situation, Lord Shankar had taken a begging from Goddess Annapurna.

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# According to the Skanda Purana, Goddess Annapurna has three eyes. Half chandra is made on their forehead. The mother is wearing many ornaments. The goddess Annapurna has a pot in one hand and the other has a grain full of food. Just as Lakshmi ji is considered to be Goddess of wealth and glory, Goddess Annapurna is considered to be the goddess of food.

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