6 Things You Should Never Donate
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 19 Aug 2017 12:16:00
Donating things is considered to be very virtuous work, even in astrology, a different kind of donation can end your bad times, and makes house calm and brings happiness in life. But there are some things that we should avoid from donating to others, otherwise there can be a loss instead of being good.
# Steel Utensils
The steel utensils kept in the house should not be donated to anyone, and there is no description of donating steel anywhere in the scriptures. In such a way, the donation of steel should be avoided. It is said that the donation of steel has a bad effect on the happiness of the house.
# Leftover Food
Making a fresh meal is a very virtuous work, by giving food to the needy, the fate begins to shine but keep in mind that never let stale or old food donate to anyone, doing so should keep the members of the family sick It seems. There is a possibility of dispute in the house and the possibility of going round the court. Avoid donating bad food.
# Torn Books
Books donation is considered good, but if they are torn, they should not bedonated. Donating torn books and copy may lead to face any problem.
# Used Oil
Some astrological measures asks you to donate oil on Saturday, to receive Saturn grace. But donating used or poor oil yields bad results.
# OldClothes
Keep in mind that you should never donate old clothes to pundit or any affluent person. It is considered inauspicious that Lakshmi Ji may be angry. Although you can give old clothes to the needy people, but it is not in the form of charity.
# Plastic Items
Donation of plastic things should also be avoided, this has a bad effect on business.