8 Things You Should Know About Guru

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Thu, 14 Sept 2017 1:39:37

8 Things You Should Know About Guru

In Hinduism, the guru has been given the status of God, because the guru gives his disciples a new life and leads them to the light of knowledge with the darkness of ignorance. To understand the importance of the Guru, every year the full moon of the month of Ashadh is celebrated with the full moon day of Guru Purnima. In the word Guru, the glory of the master is described. Th means darkness and rupee means light. That is why the meaning of the Guru means that taking the light from darkness to light means that the master only gives the disciple proper guidance for success in life.

In Hindu Dharma Granth Manu Smruti, many things related to a Guru have been told, like what to do in front of a guru - what not? Let's know what these things are -

# The disciple should not sit at the same level as the Guru. If the master is sitting on the ground, the disciples can sit on the ground.

# Do not sit with the wall or any other support in front of the master, do not sit in front of them.

# Never use obscene words in front of the guru. All things of the guru should be respected.

# Whenever you meet the master, do not go empty-handed. Take some gifts with you.

# If a guru is telling a story of wisdom, then listen to it by heart and that is, do not laziness.

# In front of the master, wearing plain clothes should be done. Money should not be displayed in front of Guru.

# When taking the name of the guru, the words like the ultimate venerable or supreme priest should be used in front of their name.

# Never do the evil of the master himself. If someone is doing the evil of a guru, then he should rise from there.

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