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Facts About Leo That Will Help You Understand Them

By: Sandeep Gupta Mon, 04 Dec 2017 11:25:41

Facts About Leo That Will Help You Understand Them

Leos have a very strong similarity with the animal that their zodiac sign is representing. Just like lions, Leos have fiery and confident personalities that are sometimes mistaken for arrogance. Check out some more hidden qualities of Leo-

You never want to take a Leo for granted. The Lion has claws and knows how to use them. If a Leo is hurt they prefer to suffer in private. Feeling hurt publicly to them is shameful and weak.

Its curling symbol is supposed to portray the Lion's mane, but it seems more appropriate to the other extremity, the tail, do you think?!

Countries and cities have their own sign depending on when they were founded or formed. In the sign of Leo there are France, Italy, and Rumania. The Alpine regions of Europe are also considered related to Leo, and so are the cities of Prague, Bombay, Damascus, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles.

Leos have a playful and very loving nature and are great with children because they are often still in touch with the child within them. As parents they make good friends with their children but are great protectors and supporters too.

Unfortunately, what the Leo craves more than anything is love, but they seldom truly get this. They tend to travel in circles that are driven by power and wealth, and unfortunately these people can be somewhat emotionally detached.

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