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Find Your Lover Sun Sign To Force Them To Fall In Your Love

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Wed, 06 Sept 2017 2:11:59

Find Your Lover Sun Sign To Force Them To Fall In Your Love

The Best way for you to get a long with your lover to exhibit the behavior of him or her. But now the question comes how will you figure it out? Well, thats where astrology comes in. You just have to find out his or her zodiac sign to reveal his or her nature.

sunsign,love astrology


Don't be timid. Faint heart never won Aries, male or female. Let Aries know how much you admire them right from the beginning. They feel they deserve it. Be careful, though, about laying it on too thick, they can spot insincerity.Don't appeal to them strictly on a physical level, Aries people think of themselves as intellectuals. They will enjoy a lively discussion.

sunsign,love astrology


Taurus are not going to be rushed. They like everything to be built on a firm foundation. That may require restraint and patience, but these are qualities Taureans appreciate. Hint: The first move is up to you. Taurus is slow to make up their mind, and the opportunity will be gone if you don't seize the initiative.

sunsign,love astrology


Meet them on the high ground. Geminis' interests are wide rather than deep- they know a little about everything, but not everything about any one thing. If you know one thing well, you'll impress them.Gemini likes to give a friend or a lover a kind of I.Q. test. If you pass, you're welcome. Books, music, art, politics, Gemini is interested in all. Beware of being too smugly conservative or conformist. Gemini rates that as dull. Speak your mind frankly on any subject. Gemini admires candor and honesty and a good exchange, even of contrary opinions, can be a firm foundation for better acquaintance.

sunsign,love astrology


Cancers are vulnerable-to praise as well as criticism.Let them know directly how much you admire them. Nothing will draw Cancerians out of their shells more readily than the warmth of approval. Pick out a quality and compliment them on it. Don't be insincere, Cancer can spot it right off the bat. Show Cancerians the softer side of your nature.

sunsign,love astrology


You can always win over anyone born under this sign if you show by your actions, your attention, and your unceasing compliments that you are completely and hopelessly lost in admiration. Leos almost never think compliments go too far.Another way to make an impression on Leo: Be funny. They love to be entertained. Didn't every monarch have a court jester?Attend a cultural event, especially a preview of some kind. Go to a party that marks the opening of a new art gallery, an advance movie screening, or a lecture by an author about their forthcoming book.

sunsign,love astrology


Virgos are very self independent and shy. They love and life just like everybody else, they just have a different way of expressing it. Some find it very hard to break open a Virgo, they come off as very shy, very slow to open up, and very private. And this is mostly true of most Virgos. The key to understanding a Virgo is to understand that just because they are not outward with their emotions and feelings the way you are doesn't mean the feelings and emotions they have for you aren't there. These people can't stand it when people try to force them to open up, they hate to be criticized & put down for their emotional slowness. Virgos have a lot of pride & don't realize that it's very important for some signs to obtain some kind of flattery or praise up front, and not later.

sunsign,love astrology


Libras are the jewels of the zodiac- the kind that exist to be admired. Their world is the social arts, the world of good manners and pleasantries. Don't worry about what to discuss. Librans have a great many interests- theater, antiques, decorating, art collecting- and are marvelous conversationalists. Atmosphere means a good deal, and the wrong kind is psychically disturbing. Librans think their pleasure is worth the price. Show them you have taste - Don't dress sloppily. Delicious dinner and Good music is helpful. Don't hold back on anything. Go all out.

sunsign,love astrology


Scorpios are noted for their unpredictability, but here are a few general rules that may serve as a guide. Listen to a Scorpio carefully with full attention.If you fake it, that will be the end before there's even a beginning.An Overriding Scorpio trait: curiosity.Never tell something without telling the how and the why. This won't get far with Scorpio.

sunsign,love astrology


You won't have trouble striking up a conversation. Sagittarians are interested in almost anything. Best topics for conversation: Ask about their work, their friends, books they have read, and their reactions to a current news event. Animals or outdoor sports will get you halfway home! Don't overstep the fine line between taking an interest and prying. Sagittarians are very wary of anyone who might be trying to corner them.

sunsign,love astrology


If Capricorn appears aloof at first, it's because they are calculating the risks of a new friendship. Capricorns are interested in art, music, and theater and are drawn to people who are intellectually stimulating. They often try to mask their feelings because they are afraid of exposing too much of themselves. Don't be afraid to take the initiative in conversation. A sure way to capture their attention is to be amusing, for they are basically melancholy types and need an emotional lift.

sunsign,love astrology


These highly social creatures make friends easily. They are amusing, interesting conversationalists who still prefer to discuss what is significant or important. They are interested in art, books, or scientific matters. They are also fascinated by hobbies and gadgets. If you can't share all their interests, at least try not to be jealous of the fact that they have so many. Aquarians are usually courteous but elusive. When faced with a head-on approach, Aquarians tend to retreat. Draw out their compassionate qualities: they are humanitarians whose interests stretch far beyond the horizon.

sunsign,love astrology


You can always interest them in conversation about the world of entertainment, art, books, poetry, dramatics. Another sure way is to discuss any topic touching on the occult, mysticism, spiritualism, and the supernatural, particularly anything involving reincarnation. Pisceans who don't actually believe in it (there aren't many) are fascinated by discussions about it. Tell them your problems. They're great listeners and their sympathy is mostly genuine. But avoid giving the appearance of being overwhelmed by your problems. While Pisceans have an unusual compassion for losers, they prefer people who are strong and supportive, with definite goals and a positive approach to life.

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