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Ganga Dussehra 2020- Importance Of Number 10 For Ganga Pooja

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Mon, 01 June 2020 10:03:40

Ganga Dussehra 2020- Importance of Number 10 For Ganga Pooja

Hindu Mythology says: On the holy day of Gangavataran, Lord Shiva opened his hair locks and allowed Goddess – Ganga to descent on earth from the Heaven-world.

Being the sacred river and originated from Heaven, she came down to earth to wash away all the sins of the mankind and her dearest devotees.

Legend holds it: To accomplish the last ritual of his dearest Ancestors, the sage (Rishi) Bhagirath once penanced hard and meditated so long to persuade River Ganges for controlling the course of Goddess- Ganga and solicited to come on earth. Lord-Shiva got pleased by his austerity and assembled the flow of Ganga in his black matted hair. From that notable day, Ganga emerged to flow from the long tangled hairs of Shiva on this earth. Therefore, this eminent festivity is remarked as the day when Goddess Ganga came down to earth from Heaven. Due to this reason, river Ganga is also famed as- Bhagirathi among the Hindu Followers.

ganga dussehra 2020,importance of number 10 for ganga pooja,ganga dussehra,astrology tips

Ten plays a momentous and unique role in celebrating Ganga Dussehra. The name itself reveals the importance of ‘Dussehra’ which comes from ‘DUS’ means Ten and Hara which says– Defeat. Let’s know the pre-eminence of Number -10 in Hinduism whilst commemorating Ganga Dussehra.

* These 10 days are devoted saintly to pay homage to the river Ganges.

* On this propitious day, devotees are advised to take a holy dip in Ganges sacred water to get rid of 10 wrong deeds.

* To attain Moksha or Salvation, one should worship Goddess Ganga with 10 traditional rituals and the customs on the Bank of the divine river, early in the morning.

ganga dussehra 2020,importance of number 10 for ganga pooja,ganga dussehra,astrology tips

* Offer 10 favorites of Goddess-Ganga including- flowers, Prasada (bhoga), leaf boats laden with flames and Milk etc. to Maa- Ganga to get blessings in immensity.

* Make sure to donate 10 edible ingredients(sweetmeats)to the poverty-stricken and needy people.

* It is recommended to observe fast at least for 10 hours on this day without consuming even water to impress- Goddess Ganges.

* 10 distinct sounds and hymns are produced while chanting Aartis and reciting Devi’s Mantras through Bells and Conches on the River Bank.

* A high-spirited and vigorous Ganga-Dusshera ceremony is observed in 10 chief States in India, where River-Ganges flows.

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