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How You Show Your Anger According To Zodiac Sign?

By: Sandeep Gupta Fri, 17 Nov 2017 6:05:42

How You Show Your Anger According To Zodiac Sign?

Everyone gets angry from time to time; we as humans can’t help but lose our temper or patience every once in a while. Maybe certain things get under your skin, like when someone mentions a touchy subject or teases you about something that you feel embarrassed or hurt about. Anger can get the best of you if you don’t know how to reign it in, however, and each zodiac sign expresses their anger a bit differently.

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# Aries

As one of the three fire signs, Aries definitely can burn you if you don’t know how to deal with them. They have a short fuse, and anger quite easily depending on the situation. They have a passion about life, and get frustrated when someone or something stands in their way. While Aries possesses a lot of great qualities, their dark side can come out to play when things don’t go their way.

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# Taurus

While Taurus doesn’t anger easily, you’d better watch out if you do happen to make them mad – they can become a bit passive aggressive and shut you out if you hurt them badly enough. They don’t like to admit it when someone hurts them, so you might find it difficult to even tell if you’ve hurt them in the first place. However, if they give you the silent treatment, you will know that you upset them. They especially get angry when someone lies, cheats, or betrays them in some sort of way. Most of the time, however, Taureans keep an even keel and don’t let much bother them.

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# Gemini

Gemini, otherwise known as The Twins, can make your head spin if you don’t know how to deal with them or what to expect. They will say one thing and then do another, or change their mind in a heartbeat about certain issues. To say the least, Geminis can be almost impossible to understand or keep up with sometimes. As far as their anger, though, most Geminis do not have a hot temper. If something makes them mad, they’ll express themselves, but they won’t dwell on it for too long. Geminis have a zest for life, and don’t want to spend too much time letting things get under their skin.

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# Cancer

Cancers might get hurt easily, but they don’t normally go into recluse mode over every little thing. If you make them really mad, they might just try to hide their feelings until they eventually blow up. So, if you know a Cancer, make sure to check up on them from time to time and ask if they have anything they need to get off their chest. This will help to avoid any future arguments or misunderstandings.

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# Leo

Leos have a hot temper, and as a fire sign, what else would you expect? However, they won’t play any mind games with you – if you anger them, then they will certainly let you know. They have the temper of a child, however, so don’t expect them to hash things out in a mature manner. They might throw things, yell, roll around on the floor, or anything else that will cause a scene to get your attention. They might even call you names or say things they don’t really mean, but don’t take it to heart; they just need to get out their feelings.

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# Virgo

Virgos definitely win the award for “Most Patient Sign.” They probably have the least amount of anger out of all the signs, and take a very long time to actually show their feelings. Virgos don’t do well with emotions, even their own, so don’t expect them to tell you if you made them angry. They’ll probably keep it to themselves and get over it eventually. However, if you hurt them badly enough, you may have just lost a good friend, as they don’t forgive easily.

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# Libra

Libras, as peacekeepers, try to avoid anger at all costs. They enjoy keeping balance in their lives and relationships, and anger doesn’t really fit well into their overall goals in life. They’d rather just keep everything inside to avoid conflict, even if something really upsets them. They believe in justice and fairness as well, so they will likely give you a second chance if you really screw up.

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# Scorpio

If you anger a Scorpio, keep an eye out for their body language before anything else. They won’t tell you they’re upset, of course, because what self-respecting Scorpio would ever admit something that would make them so vulnerable? Their eyes, facial expressions, and other subtle signs will pretty easily give it away, however. You do not want to get on their bad side, though, as Scorpios love to get revenge. They will plot against you if you do something to hurt them, and will not ever let you live it down. If they seem quiet, this should worry you, because they likely have a grand scheme in their heads of how they will get back at you.

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# Sagittarius

As you might have expected, this fire sign will really let you have it if you make them angry. They don’t tolerate disloyalty or betrayal very well, and you won’t hear the end of it if you happen to make them mad. In fact, you will probably want to walk away quickly in order to give them some space, as their behavior will resemble a bomb detonating. Sagittarius’ love to get sarcastic if you’ve made them mad, so look for this as one of the surefire signs of anger. However, most Sagittarians feel embarrassed of their hot temper, and try to hold it in as much as possible so no one will see them lose their cool.

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# Capricorn

Capricorns, as another Earth sign, usually don’t get angry at too much. They would rather keep the peace and stay calm than waste their energy on getting angry. However, when they do get mad, you’d better run for the hills. You will know when they feel angry, because since they don’t get this way often, they’ve probably stored up months of tension and stress that they haven’t let out yet. So, when they finally do break, run for cover. You don’t want to be the one that makes them mad, as they don’t forgive easily. They will yell and make a big scene when they express their emotions, but they won’t want the spotlight for long.

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# Aquarius

Aquarians love a good debate and thought-provoking conversation, but they really can’t stand arguments. If you’ve angered them, don’t expect them to stick around. They’d rather go into nature or go for a long drive than sit their and stew in their emotions. However, if they must deal with the situation right then, they’ll do so with finesse and class. They don’t like to show people their emotions, so you’ll likely get a smooth-talking, even-keeled, composed Aquarius in any given situation. You might hear about it at a later time once they’ve had the space they need to deal with their true emotions, but they most certainly will keep to themselves during a stressful situation.

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# Pisces

As a water sign, Pisces’ emotions run deep. As such, they tend to get angry over nothing sometimes, but they likely won’t let you know. They don’t like arguing, and will avoid it at all costs. So, like some of the other signs, they will bottle up their emotions until the end of time, for both yours and their sake. Pisces will likely go off on their own to calm down than stick around and hash things out. They might throw things, cry, and scream to feel better, or blast some angry metal music to help get out their emotions.

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