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Reasons Why You Should Read Sundarkand Oftenly

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 16 Sept 2017 5:03:12

Reasons Why You Should Read Sundarkand Oftenly

Often on the auspicious occasions, the Sundarkand of Sriramcharit Manas is composed by Goswami Tulsidas. Before the start of auspicious work, the recitation of Sundarkand is considered to be a special significance. Here is why the text of Sundarakand is specially done.

Whenever there are more problems in a person's life, no work is being done, lack of confidence or any other problem, the text of Sundarakand starts getting auspicious benefits.

According to astrology, to remove the defects of the horoscope and to get rid of the adverse conditions, it is recommended to recite Sundarkand.

The story of Sundarkand of Sre Ramacharitmanas is different. The entire Sri Ramacharitman represents the qualities of Lord Shriram and his excellence. Sunderkand is the only chapter which is the scourge of the victory of Lord Hanuman of Lord Shriram.

reasons why you should read sundarkand oftenly,astrology behind sundarkand

Sundarkand is the confidence to increase self-confidence and will. The person gets mental strength from the text of Sundarakand. To achieve any work, you get confidence.

In Sundarkand, Hanuman reached the sea and reached Lanka and discovered Sita there. Burned Lanka and returned to Sriram by taking Sita's message.

This scandal is the scourge of victory of a devotee, who can do such a great miracle on the strength of his will. Sundarkand has also given important sources of success of life.

Sundarkand is considered to be the best scandal in the entire Ramayana, because it enhances self confidence in the person. This is why the text of Sundarakand is specially done.

With the reading of Sundarakand, Hanumanji also received special grace of Shriram. Any kind of trouble, away from the text of Sundarakand. This is a great and simple solution.

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