11 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Eye Bags
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 23 Oct 2020 08:48:50
If people have anything in common, it is the fact that we are all constantly tired. Most of us try to get enough sleep, but sometimes life just gets in the way.
Of course, looking tired is code for looking crummy. None of us want saggy eye bags dragging down our faces!
Those pesky dark circles are not a good look or a good feeling, and it’s not always enough to cover them up with makeup and hope for the best. Sometimes, you need a more lasting solution. Ladies have this common problem: Eye bags! If you don’t know how to eliminate those dark, puffy area around your eyes, now is the best time to do something to vanish them. Below are the 11 best ways to eliminate eye bags:
Limit Salt Intake
Go easy on the salt shaker! The water always finds its path towards the parts of the body that is deficient in sodium than those with the most. Eye area is usually a primary example, which is why the outcome of a dinner that has loads of salt can be observed in the morning as having puffy eyes.
Consider an Eye Cream Regimen
You can see a lot of creams and lotions in most beauty stores. Give it a try and check if there’s one that’s compatible for you. Avoid this product: Never use an outdated hemorrhoid cream. It may cause skin irritation around the eyes. You might consider using a retinol cream for the eye.
Take Charge of Your Allergies
Puffy, watery eyes and allergy season are closely associated, but here’s the wonderful news: Those non-prescription drugs that you usually take for colds, sinus infections, or allergies can subside your puffy eyes – as well as your runny nose.
Make Use of Neti Pot
Neti pot which is similar to a teapot can be used to pour saline water or salt water in the nostril and it drains out the other. It’s odd, but this might aid in flushing out all the excess moisture in the sinuses from colds, infections, or seasonal allergies.
Take it easy on Alcoholic Drinks
Don’t consume too much wine; one glass is enough. Why? Liquor can pull water out from your skin. The delicate area surrounding your eyes probably would sink into pouch-like once weakened. If you happen to get drunk, apply moisturizer around the eye area and drink water too before going to bed.
Do Not Smoke
Like to have another reason to give up your smoking habit? Smoking makes your facial skin weak and dry. Don’t smoke to prevent yourself from having a droopy, wrinkled eye.
Change Your Sleep Posture
Do you sleep on your side or on your stomach? Those pesky bags might be the result of the accumulation of fluids under the eye area due to gravity. So, try lying on your back and add another pillow beneath your head when you sleep.
Remove Makeup Before Going to Bed
Don’t go to bed while you still have eye makeup. This can cause watery eyes which results in puffiness. Wash face with water and soap to remove gunk or apply a remover night after night.
Use Eye Protection for UV Rays
Protecting our body from sunlight is a must. Do you do the same to your face? Excessive sunlight can cause the skin around the eyes to wrinkle or sag. Cover your face from harmful sun rays by using hats, sunglasses and apply sunscreen.
Cooldown Those Eyes
Are your eyes swollen? Chill those eyes! To ease puffiness, apply a cold pack. Try using chilled tea bags, spoons, or cucumber slices. Whatever it is doesn’t matter – low temperature will do the work.
Conceal It
Are dark circle around the eyes a problem? You may hide them by covering it with a concealer. Pick one that will match your complexion. Don’t rub it, just lightly pat it when you apply.