2 Amazing DIY Body Spray Using Witch Hazel
By: Kratika Maheshwari Tue, 14 Dec 2021 11:41:47
Body sprays are incredibly easy to make at home when you have the right ingredients on hand! In this post, I’m going to show you how to make body spray with witch hazel. Witch hazel is a clear substance with astringent properties extracted from the witch hazel shrub. It has long been used by the Native Americans for its medicinal benefits.
It is also used as the base ingredient for many DIY beauty products such as facial toner, perfume as well as body spray! It works effectively in neutralizing body odor. It also acts as a disinfectant by killing germs on the skin. Witch hazel is a good base for holding natural fragrances such as essential oils. So get ready to make an antiseptic nice smelling body spray with witch hazel!
# Recipe 1
4 oz witch hazel
10 drops ylang ylang essential oil
15 drops neroli essential oil
Small funnel
4 oz spray bottle
* Using a small funnel, pour 4 oz of witch hazel into a 4 oz spray bottle. 4 oz is ½ cup.
* Now add 10 drops of ylang ylang essential oil and 15 drops of neroli essential oil. This creates a fun exciting scent that’s long lasting! Ylang ylang has a fun bubbly floral scent while neroli has a floral citrusy scent.
* Cap the bottle tightly and shake well to combine all ingredients.
* Store in a cool dry place. Spray all over your body after a shower.
# Recipe 2
4 oz witch hazel
10 drops geranium essential oil
15 drops lavender essential oil
Small funnel
4 oz spray bottle
* Repeat the above steps mentioned in recipe one.
* However, add 10 drops geranium essential oil and 15 drops of lavender essential oil instead of the essential oils of neroli and ylang ylang.