3 DIY Ways To Use Mausambi Juice For Beautiful Skin
By: Kratika Maheshwari Sat, 24 July 2021 4:12:47
We all know fruits are good for health as they are a healthy source of sugar and packed with all kinds of Vitamins and antioxidants and also provide roughage/ fibre to your diet. Citrus fruits including Oranges, Mausambi, Strawberries, Satsuma, raspberries etc are great for skin and immune system in particular since they are powerhouses of Vitamin C, which is also known as Ascorbic acid.
Ascorbic acid is a key mediator in the reaction that helps in synthesis of new collagen in your body. Collagen is the elastic of your skin that prevents sagging of skin and is responsible for maintaining it’s youthful plumpness. Also, the powerful antioxidants present in Citrus fruits help to fight the damage caused by free radicals that are produced during various biochemical reactions of the skin. We will be talking in detail below about how the citrus fruit, Mausambi can help to enhance your beauty, inside out. Read on to know about the Beauty Benefits of Mausambi Juice.
# Beauty Benefits of Mausambi Juice as Mild Bleaching agent
You must be aware that Lemon juice acts as an excellent, natural bleaching agent. However, it causes a strong stinging sensation on skin, something a person with a sensitive skin cannot tolerate. Mausambi, belongs to the same family of citrus fruits and acts as a milder bleaching agent as compared to Lemon juice. So, if you have a patchy complexion with certain areas of hyperpigmentation, you can apply the juice from a freshly squeezed Mausambi over your face. With regular use, your complexion is sure to clear out and look radiant and free from blemishes such as acne pigmentation, patchiness due to sun exposure etc.
# Beauty Benefits of Mausambi Juice as Mild Chemical Peel
You must be knowing about a dermatological procedure known as chemical peeling. The procedure involves application of certain acids to skin that your skin can tolerate in order to cause the exfoliation of uppermost layers of skin. This helps in treating pigmentation,too. Mausambi is rich in Ascorbic acid and certain other types of Alpha hydroxy acids that act as mild chemical peels.
# Mausambi Juice to Detox Your System
Next time you feel thirsty when in a market, ditch the sodas which give you nothing but empty calories and drink Mausambi juice instead as it gives a vitamin boost to your body and helps your body to detox.
How To Use
- Use Mausambi juice in raw form, if you wish.
- As a chemical Peel, you can mix Mausambi juice with honey and apply it on face.
- As a face pack, mix besan and yoghurt with Mausambi juice to form a creamy face pack.
- Dry out Mausambi peels under the sun and grind them to make a fine powder. Mix this powder with Mausambi juice to form a face pack. This is an excellent pack to help in healing of your acne scars. This is because it would help in regeneration of collagen that eventually fills up the scars and gives your skin a good texture.