4 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Instantly
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 24 Dec 2019 12:54:58
With the fast pace and busy scheduled life,our skin is losing its shine. Tension and not eating the right food, dark circles come under the eyes, which eliminates our beauty. So let's know some home remedies which can get rid of these problems.
# Sapling of lemon is beneficial in removing the lower dark circles. Mix coconut 2-4 pieces of lime and put it under the eyes. This will gradually become dark circles. Do this method twice a week.
# Raw milk is very beneficial for removing under eye circles.
# Tomatoes are the most effective way to remove dark circles. It works naturally to eliminate the dark circles under the eyes. Mixing tomato juice with a few drops of lemon is quick to gain.
# Potatoes can also be used to remove dark circles. Mix potato juice with some drops of lemon and put it under the eyes with the help of cotton. This will remove the Dark Circle.