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5 Everyday Habits That Are Causing Hyperpigmentation On Skin

By: Kratika Thu, 21 July 2022 5:18:28

5 Everyday Habits That are Causing Hyperpigmentation on Skin

Surprised despite trying everything you aren't able to get rid of dark spots?

Don’t be. You never know you might be missing out on something or doing things the wrong way.

Before taking preventive measures against hyperpigmentation know what it is and how it is caused. Hyperpigmentation is a common skin concern and is caused by an increase in melanin (a natural pigment that gives our skin, hair, and eyes their color).

A number of factors like sun exposure, skin injuries, inflammation, etc. can contribute to increased melanin production. These darkened spots or patches on the skin exist in three main forms, i.e., melasma, sunspots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Sometimes it gets incredibly hard to treat hyperpigmentation! But relax! Here are 5 things you should quit doing immediately if you have hyperpigmentation. See how your skin gets better.

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# Following the wrong face care routine

When we say the wrong face care routine, we mean not using the right technique and materials to clean your face. In particular, many people with hyperpigmentation use hot water to clean their faces. Some people also steam their faces regularly.

These are the wrong face care routines you should quit right away because steaming the face or using hot water damages your skin when you have hyperpigmentation.

Reason - Hot water or steam activates melanocyte cells in your skin, increasing the size of the hyperpigmentation patches or spots. Melanocyte cells are located in the epidermis part of the skin and produce melanin - the skin darkening pigment.

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# Not doing adequate research to find what's best for you

Many people with hyperpigmentation fall prey to this bad habit. They go around using the wrong products because of inadequate research and background checks. It's one thing for manufacturers to praise a product and another for it to deliver.

- You shall ensure that the reviews are authentic and that the manufacturer is what it says it is.
- Compare product labels, before settling on one. Check product features, benefits, ingredients used, potential side effects, previous customer stories, and recommendations by top dermatologists.
- Make sure that the skin care products you have opted for, have ingredients that can target hyperpigmentation.

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# Skimping or Skipping Sunscreen

Using a dermatologist-recommended sunscreen to get rid of hyperpigmentation goes a long way to help end the condition. Sunscreen is a daily necessity because it helps to block UVA and UVB rays, helping keep your skin protected. However, the sun protection factor (SPF) is only as good as how you apply it. What do we mean? You could be asking.

People make a lot of sunscreen mistakes. Many people don't follow the recommended number of times when applying sunscreen. Some skimp sunscreen while others skip applying it entirely.

- Applying little amounts of sunscreen is almost the same as not applying anything at all.
- Remember, SPF can only kick in when you use the right quantity.

Make sure you are not leaving your chin line behind while applying sunscreen.

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# Using the Wrong Sunscreen

When shopping for sunscreen, you don't want to go for anything on the shelves. Also, if you're buying online, this shouldn't be any sunscreen that appears first on the search results. Instead, the right one should be compatible with your skin type.

You want to choose wisely between mineral and chemical sunscreen. Is there a significant difference between the two? You're probably wondering.

Mineral-based sunscreen sits on the surface of the skin and reflects the sun rays. They contain natural minerals like zinc oxide and titanium oxide.

On the other hand, chemical sunscreens contain the chemical filters like oxybenzone that penetrate into the skin to absorb the UV rays. According to some research studies, chemicals used in these sunscreens are said to affect marine life and cause irritation to the skin.

habits that are causing hyperpigmentation on skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Using Harsh Facial Cleansers

Using harsh cleansers might not help you attain clear skin but it will make your skin dry and rough. Opt for mild cleansers. The difference between harsh and mild cleansers is the ingredients. Below are some of the ingredients to avoid in facial cleansers if you are looking forward to hyperpigmentation free and rejuvenated skin;

- Oils

Some types of oils like Propylene Glycol, Paraffin, Mineral Oil, and Butylene Glycol, to mention a few, block skin pores and cause breakouts.

habits that are causing hyperpigmentation on skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

- Parabens

These are preservatives used in some facial cleansers. They're known to cause skin irritation.

- Alcohols

Alcohol in cleansers can damage the skin barrier because of its erosive nature.

habits that are causing hyperpigmentation on skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

- Sulfates

Sulfates like SLS and SLES lead to washing off the skin's protective barrier and causing redness and dry, itchy skin.

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