5 Eyebrow Mistakes You Are Making

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Mon, 24 Feb 2020 5:35:37

5 Eyebrow Mistakes You Are Making

If you are a woman, you probably know how important it is to maintain your brows. And dealing with your brows isn’t something easy! It can sometimes take just ears of tweaking to get the right shape and once you have got it, you have to constantly give them properly groomed. Picking your brows can easily go awry in no time! So that’s the reason why we have complied a list of things that you shouldn’t be doing or the best avoid doing to keep your eyebrows on fleak.

* Over-Plucking

This is something common that all women tend to do. Don’t over-pluck your brows. If you’re worried that plucking that hair may be taking things too far, just don’t do it. Brow hairs range in consistency and are much more visible on your face, so you need to be cautious. You should learn your brows’ thickness so you know how far will become too far.

* Using Old Tweezers

Using an old set of tweezers can be harmful on your brows. The dull edges will cause you to continually try to pull at the hairs making the area more red and sensitive than pulling hairs out in one clean tweeze! Make sure to either get new tweezers or send them for sharpening once you feel like they aren’t doing the job correctly.

eyebrow mistakes,beauty tips,eyebrow tips,skin care tips

* Tweezing Before Shower

Tweezing won’t hurt much if you do if post-shower. The reason is that you naturally loose some eyebrow hairs in the shower aand as well your hair follicles loosens up. This means that if you like to take warm or hot showers, know that it’s worth the wait!

* Tweezing Too Often

Sometime we don’t realize how often we have been tweezing our eyebrows until the damage has been already done! One should only be tweezing once every three weeks. This span gives your brow hairs enough time to grow out and then when you’ll groom it, they’ll look better than the last time. Having slightly longer brow hairs here and there give it a much more natural look!

* Never Getting Them Done By A Professional

It’s nice to be able to tweeze and pluck your own brows at home, but at time you should stop in and get them professionally cleaned up for a proper grooming and shaping. The professionals will be able to really shape them and you can make sure that you are ding your job perfectly in between visits!

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