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6 Amazing Beauty Benefit Of Banana Peels

By: Kratika Thu, 23 Mar 2023 1:41:39

6 Amazing Beauty Benefit of Banana Peels

Bananas are not only a healthy addition to your regular diet, but they have long been used in topical beauty remedies to enhance one’s skin and hair quality. Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits all over the world and are popular among all age groups.

But even then, people haven’t realized all the benefits that this fruit has to offer. The healthy goodness of bananas is not limited to their pulp – the fruit peel packs a lot of nutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes as well.

Yes, that’s right. The banana peel that you are so quick to discard can be used topically to combat a number of beauty problems and improve your overall appearance.

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# To reduce skin blemishes

The skin harbors many kinds of microbes that are called commensals because they live in harmony with the body. An adverse change in your skin’s environment can trigger the overgrowth of these microbes, leading to infections such as acne that contribute to scars and blemishes.

These organisms feed on dirt, sebum, and dead cells, pointing to the importance of proper skin hygiene. Plus, they tend to thrive in warm and humid conditions, which is why unclean, oily, and sweaty skin is the perfect breeding ground for them.

Not just that, the skin’s pH also plays a role in the development of skin infections. Normal skin pH is slightly acidic, which helps deter the growth of infection-causing microorganisms. But many factors can increase this pH to make the skin abnormally alkaline.

- Wash your skin with cool water, and then pat it dry with a clean towel.
- Sprinkle some turmeric powder on the inner side of a banana peel.
- Gently massage the affected area with the peel for 5 minutes.
- Wait for about 15 minutes.
- Wash the treated skin with lukewarm water, and then pat it dry.

amazing beauty benefit of banana peels,banana peels benefits,beauty benefits,beauty hacks,banana peels beauty benefits

# To reduce thin dental plaques

The gums are attached to the teeth at a point quite deeper than what is visible. There is a groove between the gums and teeth known as the sulcus, wherein food particles can easily get trapped and build up in the long run if you are negligent about your oral hygiene.

Oral bacteria will then collect at the site to break down food debris and release corrosive acids in the process that damage your tooth enamel and gingival tissue. These bacteria stick together, forming a soft, pale biofilm called plaque that covers your teeth and gums.

Plaque accumulation over your teeth can make them look dirty and yellow. Plus, the plaque-forming bacteria will keep releasing acids that can greatly weaken the structural integrity of your teeth.

- Rub the inside of a fresh banana peel all over your teeth for a few minutes.
- Brush your teeth using toothpaste to get rid of the residue.
- Use this remedy once daily for a couple of weeks.

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# To reduce hyperpigmentation

Melanin is a pigment produced by specialized skin cells called melanocytes, and this pigment is responsible for your skin complexion as well as the color of your hair and eyes. The greater the melanin production, the darker will be your skin and hair.

Melanin also protects the skin from the harmful UV radiation of the sun (biggest natural source) and other artificial sources. UV rays penetrate deep into the skin, damaging it at the cellular level. Prolonged or excessive exposure can even destroy your skin’s DNA structure and pave the way for melanoma or skin cancer.

This is why the protective role of melanin is very important. One can say it acts as a very potent and natural sunscreen. When the UV rays fall on the skin, the melanocytes at the exposed site go into overdrive and produce extra melanin to absorb the radiation so that it doesn’t penetrate deeper. The increased concentration of melanin makes the affected skin darker, and this is how tanning happens.

- Place the inside of the banana peel over the affected skin, and secure it by using a bandage, tape, or gauze.
- Keep it on for at least an hour, but you can leave it overnight as well.
- Repeat daily.

amazing beauty benefit of banana peels,banana peels benefits,beauty benefits,beauty hacks,banana peels beauty benefits

# To soothe mild skin inflammation

When your skin undergoes an injury, insect bite, physical trauma, or infection, its structural integrity is compromised. The body perceives this breach in the skin barrier as a health threat by an external agent and launches an immune response to fight off the foreign invader.

This involves releasing disease-fighting cells along with proteins called cytokines, which trigger inflammation at the affected site. The resultant skin inflammation usually manifests in the form of redness (erythema), itchiness (pruritus), swelling (edema), burning sensation, and pain.

This kind of inflammatory response can be induced by something as simple as an insect bite, which punctures a wound in the skin to inject toxins, or as complicated as a chronic skin infection.

- Gently rub the soft inside of the banana peel over the affected skin for 5 minutes.
- Leave the banana peel residue on for about 15–20 minutes.
- Wash the treated area with cool water.
- Repeat as needed.

amazing beauty benefit of banana peels,banana peels benefits,beauty benefits,beauty hacks,banana peels beauty benefits

# To reduce the signs of premature aging

Aging is a natural and ceaseless process and there is no magic pill or beauty secret that can stop or reverse it. So, it is important to make peace with this undeniable truth because stressing about it will only make your skin age faster.

That’s right, stress along with a range of other extrinsic and intrinsic factors can accelerate the aging process. This includes poor diet, inadequate water intake, not getting enough sleep, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, environmental pollutants, and the sun’s UV radiation, which releases reactive oxygen molecules within the body called free radicals.

Free radicals destroy and structurally impair the proteins and essential fats present in the skin cells. They release oxidative stress inside the skin cells, which eventually damages your skin’s very DNA and may lead to skin cancer.

- Massage the inner side of a banana peel with honey all over your face.
- Wait for 20–30 minutes.
- Rinse off the residue with lukewarm water.
- Do this once a day for as long as needed.

amazing beauty benefit of banana peels,banana peels benefits,beauty benefits,beauty hacks,banana peels beauty benefits

# To clean and brighten your face

Dull skin becomes increasingly prevalent with advancing age, especially if you don’t follow a proper skin care regimen. But it has become a common concern among the younger lot as well, thanks to the ever-increasing pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, stressful routines, and poor food choices that plague the world today.

There can be plenty of reasons why your skin becomes dull, but the major ones include clogged pores, pigmentation, and slow shedding of dead skin cells.

- Rub the white fibrous part of a banana peel on your skin for 5–10 minutes, using gentle hand motions.
- Leave the fibrous residue on your skin for at least 20 minutes.
- Wash the treated skin with cool water.

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