6 Amazing Benefits Of Using Baking Soda For Skin
By: Kratika Maheshwari Wed, 14 Dec 2022 5:49:08
Whether it’s removing that funky smell in the fridge or sorting out a queasy tummy, baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is one of those easily available, inexpensive, and versatile compounds out there. And one area where it makes a significant mark is in skin care. This wonderful ingredient can help you-
# Deal With Scaly Skin
If you have dry, scaly skin, adding a couple of handfuls of baking soda to your bath water could work wonders. In fact, some experts recommend it as a treatment for ichthyosis, a group of skin disorders characterized by dry, scaly skin. Baking soda is thought to work by raising the pH of water. This helps exfoliate scales. In people with excessive scaling, immersion for 30–60 minutes in bath water with raised pH one to three times a week, followed by the application of an emollient, can ease discomfort.
# Soothe Itchy Skin
Chicken pox, insect bites, and poison ivy what do they have in common? All of these can lead to dreadfully itch skin. But not to worry, a little baking soda added to your bath water can soothe that itch.
# Clean Inflamed Skin
Baking soda has antibacterial properties which make it a great cleanser for your skin.
In fact, some medical experts advise that you should use a baking soda solution to clean your eyelids if you have blepharitis, an eye disorder characterized by inflammation in the edges of your eyelids. People with this condition need to regularly clean their eyelids as germs tend to thrive in the secretions that build up at the edges of their eyelids. To make a cleansing solution dissolve a level teaspoon of baking soda in 100 ml of sterilized water.
But that’s not the only condition you can use baking soda for. From mosquito bites to a diaper rash, it can help clean and soothe a variety of skin inflammations.
# Exfoliate
Exfoliation the removal of the outer layer of dead skin cells can make a real difference to your skin’s appearance. But you don’t need to buy expensive scrubs for this. A simple paste of baking soda and warm water can work wonders and slough off dead cells to give you smooth skin.
So, how often should you exfoliate? If you have sensitive or dry skin, exfoliating once or twice a week might do. Those with thicker, oily skins might need to do it more frequently, though.
# Brighten Complexion
Is your skin looking dark and dull? A commonly used remedy to brighten skin involves baking soda and lemon juice. Baking soda gently exfoliates the top layer of dark skin while vitamin C in lemon inhibit the formation of the skin darkening pigment melanin. So they’re thought to be a great combination for brightening your complexion. Simply add some baking soda to a little olive oil and lemon juice and apply it to your skin. Rinse off after about 10 minutes.
# Soften Calluses
Do you have unsightly calluses on your feet? Baking soda can be helpful in getting rid of them. Soak your feet in a solution of 4 tablespoons of baking soda mixed in a quart of warm water. This will soften your calluses. You can now use a wet pumice stone to gently rub away your those hard, bumpy bits of skin.