6 Beauty Tips To Look Young
By: Kratika Thu, 12 Aug 2021 10:07:48
How to look younger is the question we all want answered at some point in our lives. Sadly, today there is no miracle cure or one pill to take those years away instantly. However, health and beauty both start from the inside, and there is a lot you can do about it yourself each day.
Nutrient deficiencies, junk food, toxification and dehydration can quickly change the view of your skin and make it look tired, dry, full of wrinkles or hyperpigmented.
Thus, if you want to look younger and keep your skin smooth and glowing, your focus shouldn’t be on makeup to cover the imperfections, but on nourishing foods, anti-aging food supplements, certain nourishing face creams and minor lifestyle changes as all these play the key role in a healthy and youthful look.
# Ways to be young naturally
There is a strong perception in everybody’s mind that age leads to degeneration of health, loss of body parts functions and fights with dreaded diseases like heart attack, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cancer, arthritis, etc. But Younger, Longevity and Sound health can be achieved through proper nutrition, positive thinking, physical activity in daily routine and through other simple natural means.
# Holistic health
Health decides the quality of life, and most important the various aspects of human being. Health encompasses different domains in itself like physical, moral, social, mental and spiritual. All these domains lead to Holistic Health, which generally seen with the absence of diseases. Holistic health can be attained by following the natural way of living
# Diet and nutrition
For sound health and longevity, diet and nutrition play important and vital roles. In fact, it is the food habit that is solely responsible for keeping oneself younger and longer. The building units of the body i.e. cells survives on food. The proper growth of cells and tissues depend on the foods we eat. Due to some wrong food habits, more toxins and waste products produced in the body, which delay the development of body cells and tissues. These harmful substances speed up the ageing process. However, this state can be tackled by means of proper nutrition and a balanced diet
# Calorie intake and longevity
Scientifically, it has been proved that intake of excessive calorie for a longer period, enhances the age-related process and simultaneously helps to dysfunction many physiological and biochemical reactions in the body. Calorie restriction and increase in life span has research proved base. More calorie intake leads to functional deterioration, diseases and affects bodybuilding process and longevity.
# Antioxidants and ageing
Antioxidants act like as a panacea in delaying the ageing process. Vitamin E has multi-dimensional roles for the positive development of the body. Vitamin E minimizes heart attack risk and strengthens the immune system. A scientific research in the USA recommend 100 to 400 international units of Vitamin E a day, 500 to 1000 mg of Vitamin C and 15 to 25 mg of beta carotene should be taken every day for the proper growth and development of the body thereby ward off diseases. The best sources of antioxidants are spinach, carrots, broccoli, oranges, bananas, sweet potatoes, almonds and peanut.
# Physical exercise
Stagnant life and idleness is the main culprit for ageing. Physical activity is an important component for health and to look younger. Physical exercise means not only the toning of muscles, yet should encompass Yoga and naturopathy. Yoga has the ability to contend your emotion and thought process as emotion is considered as one of the vital factor for disease. Morning walk is also recommended for better health.