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6 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Boils

By: Kratika Sat, 04 Mar 2023 9:25:51

6 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Boils

Boils and carbuncles are skin infections that are caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Boils are also known as furuncles, and begin as a painful infection of a hair follicle which gradually grow into a large swollen and painful bump. It appears mostly on the neck, face, buttocks, armpits and groin. A carbuncle is a deeper skin infection caused due to infection of a group of hair follicles in one skin location.

It usually appears on the neck shoulders, hips and thighs. Boils and carbuncles appear in hairy areas or those prone to friction and movement or prone to sweat. In some cases, boils and carbuncles can become chronic and reappear in the same site again and again. These skin infections are usually harmless and go away within a week, but it requires special medical attention if the infection is accompanied by fever and severe pain or if the boil doesn’t drain.

Those with weak immune system, those who had contact with a person affected by staph infection, or sufferers of diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS are more susceptible to boil infections. It is best to cure boils and carbuncles with the aid of home remedies just as we adopt natural ways to treat psoriasis, eczema, acne vulgaris and other skin infections.

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# Tea Tree Oil

When it comes to natural essential oils for healthy skin, no other oil comes close to the functions of tea tree oil. It is the best solution to the problem of how to treat oily skin naturally. It works as a toner to reduce the excessive oiliness of skin and prevent pimple and acne breakouts. Tea tree oil is extricated from the Melaleuca Alternifolia plant and is known for its potent antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties which help in curing boils on legs and other parts of the body. This oil is traditionally used for addressing various skin diseases like psoriasis, ringworm and itchiness of skin and scalp.

Wash the boil with warm water. Take a few drops of tea tree oil and smear it on the boil and the skin surrounding it. If it irritates your skin, then you can dilute the oil with some water. After application, cover the area with surgical cotton and bandage. Continue this process once every day till the boil cures completely.

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# Turmeric

Popularly known as holy powder in India, turmeric is Ayurveda’s panacea for all diseases. Turmeric is obtained from the roots of Curcuma longa plant and it a popular spice that provides the rich yellow colour to Indian cuisine. The volatile oil and Curcumin found in turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used both internally and topically for boils and carbuncle treatment. When applied topically, it dries out the boils within 3 to 4 days and also prevents its recurrence in future.

Add 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to 1 cup of lukewarm water, mix well and drink daily in order to clear the boil. You can also make a topical paste by mixing turmeric powder with water to form a thick paste and smear it on the boil and the surrounding skin. Secure it with a bandage. Use this process regularly to get rid of oils and carbuncles from the skin.

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# Warm Compress

Soothing and relaxing warm compressboosts the curing process by softening the upper layer of skin and eventually bursting the boil. The warm touch of the compress also reduces pain and helps to bring out the pus to the surface. If salt is added to the compress, then it helps the boil to heal even faster. A warm compress is by far the best cure for boils that requires no ingredients except water and salt and has absolutely no side-effects. Make sure to compress the boil when it forms a prominent head so that it will burst with repeated soakings.

Clean the boil or carbuncle with warm water. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 2 litres of warm water and stir well so that the salt dissolves completely. Wet a clean washcloth in the saline water, wring out excess water and place it on the boil in order to provide the warm compress. Let it sit till the cloth is cooled. Repeat this compress 3 to 4 times a day to burst the boil and clear it completely.

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# Onions

Onions are not only indispensable for spicing up your dishes, but also as a natural cure for various hair and skin problems. Natural homemade tips for hair growth are incomplete without the inclusion of onions and shallots in it. Onions contain 25 active compounds including potassium and flavonoids that possess anti-inflammatory properties. The essential oils present in onions have expectorant, antiseptic, antifungal, anticoagulant, and analgesic properties that helps to remove toxins from the body, soothe skin inflammations and disinfect wounds which makes onions a wonderful remedy for boils and carbuncles. When applied topically, onion promotes blood circulation and increases blood flow to the boils and helps to extract the pus out of it.

Chop a few onions into large pieces and boil them in water till the water reduces to half. Strain the water and let it cool. Apply this water on the boil or carbuncle and the skin around it. Follow this method once regularly for complete relief from painful boils.

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# Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is a universal cure for all types of chronic diseases and hair and skin problems. Black seeds are derived from the Nigella Steiva plant, and it is commonly known as black cumin. The oil extracted from black cumin is loaded with nutrients, and it has been used for centuries in Middle Eastern and South Asian countries as a panacea. Black seed oil is a well-known natural remedy for weight loss. The antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil help to fortify the immune system, and make it a powerful natural medicine for boils and carbuncles. Thymoquinone present in this oil can powerful anti-fungal properties that are effective for carbuncles and boils.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of black seed oil to any hot or cold beverage like fruit juice or green tea and drink it 2 times a day in order to get relief from boils and prevent its recurrence in future.

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# Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar in an effective and inexpensive natural ingredient that should be present in each and everyone’s skin and hair care list. It is a popular ingredient for natural hair conditioner recipe for smooth, silky and frizz-free hair, but how to treat boils and carbuncles with apple cider vinegar? Well, the secret lies in the powerful disinfectant properties of apple cider vinegar that effectively cleanses the bacterial infection once it begins draining. The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar help to relieve the pain, soreness and redness caused due to the boil. It corrects the pH level of the skin so that the boil and inflamed skin surface heals faster.

You can dab raw organic apple cider vinegar directly to the boil by dripping some of it on a cotton ball. If you feel a stinging sensation, then you can also apply it diluted with little water. People with sensitive skin should apply this remedy only after mixing equal portions of apple cider vinegar and water. Follow this cure regularly for best results.

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