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6 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Sun Tan

By: Kratika Maheshwari Tue, 19 July 2022 09:36:29

6 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Sun Tan

With the arrival of summer season, the term sun tanning is thrown around quite regularly. But what is sun tanning or tanning?

Sun tanning is the darkening of your skin due to exposure to the sun. It often leads to uneven skin tone and dark spots. But knowing about SPF and sun protection can really help you to prevent the dreaded tan. But if you have been affected by it, here are some effective ways to get rid of a sun tan.

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# Aloe Vera

Simply extract the gel from a freshly-plucked Aloe Vera leaf and apply an even layer on your face. You can also purchase pure Aloe Vera Gel available in the market. Leave it on for about 20-30 minutes before washing it off. Aloe Vera Gel will soothe your skin and accelerate the healing process.

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# Gram Flour & Curd

Mix Gram Flour with Curd to create a consistent paste. Add a pinch of Turmeric to this mixture and apply it to your face. Leave this mask for about 15-20 minutes. Once it has dried, wash your face and apply a hydrating moisturiser afterwards.

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# Tomato

Extract some Tomato Juice and generously apply it on the affected areas. The Vitamin A and C present in Tomato will reduce the effects of sunburn on your skin. It will also calm your skin and fight redness. Gently dab the juice on your face with the help of a cotton pad and leave it for about 10-15 minutes.

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# Curd & Honey

Mix equal quantities of Organic Honey and Curd. This mixture will nourish your skin inside out and make it soft. You can apply it once or twice a day to combat sun tan. The Lactic Acid present in curd will gently exfoliate damaged skin, while Honey will moisturise your skin simultaneously.

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# Sandalwood Powder & Rosewater

One of the best ways to tackle sun tan, this remedy will soothe and brighten your skin. Add Rosewater to Sandalwood Powder to form a runny paste. Apply it twice a day to for skin tan removal.

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# Lemon Juice & Honey

Lemon Juice has skin brightening properties and Honey is a natural humectant. Add a few drops of Lemon Juice to Organic Honey to form a thick mixture. You can also increase the amount of Lemon Juice to lessen the thickness of Honey. But those with sensitive skin should stick with fewer drops of Lemon Juice.

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